Why are they shouting "Bitter!" At the wedding?

Such a bright, joyful, important event, like a wedding, always leaves the most pleasant impressions not only among newlyweds, but also with their parents, friends, close people. After the wedding ceremony, the guests and the guests gladly begin the feast. It is so established in our country that the celebration of the wedding can not do without a lot of toasts, fun games, traditional rituals .

Often, even at the beginning of the feast, the most interesting happens - the insistent cries of "Bitter!" Begin, they come from different ends of the table, they become choral. Stop this "disgrace" is possible only by one action - the bride and groom must stand up and show everyone their sweet kiss. The tradition of screaming "Bitter!" At the wedding is interesting, but strange - many shy brides do not like kissing the groom in front of everyone. Many modern couples simply do not understand why the wedding shout "Bitter!" And believe that the newlyweds are obliged to jump up and give each other kisses.

Why at the wedding "Bitter"?

There are several versions explaining what it means "bitterly!" At the wedding. The most plausible is tradition, which has Russian roots, it is connected with folk festivals. Married in those days in late autumn, the festivities were noisy, with lots of fun. The groom, as usual, had to prove his skill without fail. In the courtyard of the house, where the celebration was held, or not far from it, the hill was flooded. A future wife with her friends cautiously rose to her apex, and her husband was supposed to climb up the hill as quickly as possible and kiss his beloved. After that, the groom's friends also climbed the hill to kiss the bridesmaids. Running up the slippery path the groom was obliged to scream the guests, they yelled "Hill!". This is how the word "bitter-bitterly" played out.

Another theory explains the occurrence of such wedding custom by the superstition of our ancestors. They were very afraid that evil craftsmen (witches, house and other evil spirits), can easily fuck up a holiday and even a married life for newlyweds. To deceive the representatives of evil forces, parents and all who were at the wedding, shouted "Bitter!", As if proving that they all live "worse than nowhere." According to the belief, devils and various evil spirits should have been unable to withstand such grief, to get out of the way, to go to those who live more sweetly.

Another legend tells that in the process of feasting in Kievan Rus, the bride was obliged to bypass the tables, holding in her hands a large carved tray. On it stood a glass of vodka. All the guests invited to the wedding put coins and gold there, and then they took a glass of vodka, shouting "Bitter!". By the way, this custom has survived to our time - in some villages of Russia this is exactly what they do.

Hundreds of years ago, at weddings, they shouted "Bitter!", As if stating that the wine in cups and bowls was not sweet enough. The newlyweds with their numerous sweet kisses should magically "sweeten" the wine of their dear guests.

This cheerful wedding tradition was adopted by many peoples - Moldovans, Byelorussians, Bulgarians. The word "Bitter!" In many languages ​​of the Slavic group continues to shout with pleasure at wedding parties in many countries of the world. Of course, some newlyweds still do not understand why the wedding is shouted "Bitter!", And unwillingly kiss publicly - it's their right. However, glorious ancient traditions should be respected and stored, passed on to the next generations. The tradition of screaming the wedding "Bitter!" - just one of such important and valuable traditions .