Nutrition for hemorrhoids

It's great to be young and full of energy! But the years inexorably run forward, and health is no longer so strong. With age, it's not so easy to get up in the morning to work, it hurts your head and back, pressure leaps, but what does not happen after fifty. But if no one hesitates to talk about aching heads and legs, pressure and a weak heart, then about such delicate illness as hemorrhoids, rarely anyone stutters even in the doctor's office. For some reason, people prefer to quietly endure the pain and the troubles associated with this disease in secret. But this is fraught with serious consequences up to cancer! We offer to discuss this painful problem and understand what this sore consists of, how to deal with it and, most importantly, what should be the food for hemorrhoids.

Why not eat?

Since hemorrhoids are a disease of the intestines, and the intestines are part of the digestive system, nutrition with hemorrhoids should be correct. What does it mean? First, it is necessary to establish a regime of food intake. It must be clear and rigorously observed. But more on that later. Secondly, there are a number of products that need to be ruthlessly excluded from your diet, especially with regard to nutrition after an operation to remove hemorrhoids. What is included in this list?

  1. Sharp, salty and smoked dishes. Of course, salted homemade cucumbers or smoked salto with garlic - things are very tasty and seductive. However, they have the property of increasing blood flow, so that the hemorrhoidal nodes are filled with blood. And this, in turn, causes at least discomfort, as a maximum - severe pain and even bleeding. Do you need it?
  2. Food of a sandwich type or dry. The fact is that food of this kind contains very little liquid, which contributes to the occurrence of constipation. Fecal masses become very dense and hard, the act of defecation occurs with difficulty. And "stone" particles of stool injure inflamed hemorrhoids. Particularly unacceptable are the sandwich foods in the diet after the operation to remove hemorrhoids, since hard feces will injure still unhealed postoperative sutures, and excessive straining during defecation will cause new foci of the disease.
  3. Alcohol and tobacco. The harm of these substances medicine tirelessly repeats, and not only in relation to this disease. Both cigarettes and spirits adversely affect the vascular system, causing persistent and prolonged spasms of veins, arteries and capillaries. And, therefore, they lock blood in certain places, causing stagnation. And if the place of stagnation is a hemorrhoidal site? On the consequences, we think, you guessed it yourself.

Proper nutrition with hemorrhoids

Now let's understand, but what about hemorrhoids can not just eat, but need. First, fruits and vegetables, this is a real storehouse of vitamins and fiber. The first will strengthen the immune system, and the second will remove toxins from the body and reduce the likelihood of constipation, softening its fibers with fecal masses. Secondly, cereals, bran and first courses. They also fill the body with the necessary nutrients and reduce the risk of constipation. And, thirdly, water. You need to drink up to 2 liters of water a day, and it is simple unboiled filtered or unstable water, not tea or coffee, which actually dehydrates the body. Well, as it was said above, the food for hemorrhoids should be regular, performed strictly 4-5 times a day at the same time and in small portions. And do not be afraid to apply to a proctologist, individual correct treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor.

And finally 2 recipes

Noodle soup with egg

For 2 servings: 1 egg, 2 handfuls of soup vermicelli, 0.6 g of water, salt and sink. Oil to taste.

The egg is cooked in a steep and crushed, we put vermicelli into the boiled salted water and cook until ready. In the finished broth with noodles pour shredded egg and a small piece of butter. All mixed and poured into plates. There is better a little chilled with rye or otrubnym bread. Instead of water, you can use meat broth with pieces of boiled meat.

Salad "Health"

In equal parts we take cabbage, carrots, onions (turnips), radish and apple. We grind everything, put it in a salad bowl and mix it thoroughly, without forgetting to salt it to taste. You can season the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream. Varied dish will help green canned peas and low-fat sausage. Bon Appetit!