Treatment of influenza in adults and children - medicines and folk recipes

Respiratory-viral diseases ( ARI ) constitute 95% of cases of treatment to the therapist. The main diagnosis is influenza, it affects about half a billion people on the planet, cyclically returning in the form of epidemics. With correct treatment with this disease it is easy to cope, the main thing is to diagnose it timely.

How to recognize the flu?

The clinical picture of the pathology is often regarded by patients as a cold, but there is no such term in medicine. There are clear criteria for how to identify the flu and distinguish it from other respiratory diseases:

Symptoms of influenza in adults

The characteristic manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection depend on the state of the immune system. If it is weakened, the clinical picture intensifies. Symptoms of influenza in an adult:

Later, the listed manifestations increase, and additional ones are added:

Influenza Symptoms in Children

A child is more likely to suffer a viral infection, because immunity at an early age has not yet been fully formed. Influenza signs in infants:

In children older than 1 year, the symptomatology is close to the adult clinical picture:

Flu - diagnosis

The disease under consideration is easy to determine by its specific characteristics, but there are also special laboratory tests for its detection. Diagnosis of influenza involves the study of genetic material (smears from the nose, throat, with conjunctiva) in the following ways:

Flu - severity

Treatment of the described respiratory illness depends on the intensity of its progression and the severity of the symptoms. There are the following variants of ARVI flow:

  1. The mild form of influenza. Body temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees. Headaches, muscle and joint pains are mild or weak. Vomiting is either absent or occurs 1-2 times. Pale skin, muted heart sounds, sometimes - tachycardia. Clear signs of upper respiratory tract infection.
  2. Influenza of moderate severity. The fever reaches a level of 38.5-39.5 degrees. There are severe pains in the head, joints, eyeballs and muscles, multiple vomiting. On day 2-3 of the disease, nosebleeds occur, tachycardia is noted, muted rhythmic heart sounds.
  3. Severe course of influenza. Heat rises to 39.5 degrees and above, which is accompanied by inhibition, lethargy, delirium and hallucinations. The pain syndrome is intense and painful, vomiting is frequent. Skin covers are very pale, "marble", lips and areas around the mouth acquire a cyanotic shade. The work of the heart worsens, complications arise in the form of attachment of bacterial infections.
  4. Lightning (hypertoxic) form. Short incubation period and rapid progression. Treatment of influenza in this case should be urgent and stationary. The central nervous system, heart and lungs are affected. With this type of pathology, a lethal outcome is possible.

How dangerous is the flu?

The main problem of respiratory viral diseases is their complications, especially after the attachment of bacterial infections. Dangerous effects of influenza:

How to treat the flu?

The basis for the therapy of respiratory viral infections is the support of the immune system. If there are no bacterial components of the disease, only basic pharmacological agents are required to ensure the relief of clinical manifestations of pathology. With mild and moderate forms of the disease, outpatient treatment of influenza is recommended - clinical recommendations:

How to treat influenza in adults?

In addition to the above measures, ARVI therapy includes the use of medications. Treatment of influenza at home involves the use of etiotropic drugs that affect the cause of the disease, and symptomatic drugs that relieve the human condition. Antiviral tablets or drops should be taken within the first 1-3 days after infection. Later, etiotropic treatment of influenza is ineffective, because pathogenic cells have already spread throughout the body.

Symptomatic drugs are selected depending on the emerging clinical phenomena. These include such medicines:

Treatment of influenza in children

All methods of ARVI therapy for adults are also applicable when a child is infected. Before treating the flu at home, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician and make sure of the diagnosis. The early symptoms of the pathology in question are very similar to other viral lesions that often occur in childhood: chicken pox, measles, and rubella.

The main risk of influenza for a child is dehydration of the body against a background of vomiting, diarrhea, fever and frequent stools. Parents should monitor the baby's drinking regimen, because a deficiency of water in the body can provoke serious complications. Infants should be more often applied to the breast or give them a bottle. Older children are advised to drip out a glass of warm compote, herbal tea or still water every 0.5 hours.

How to treat the flu during pregnancy?

During gestation, women should not take almost all pharmacological agents. Treatment of influenza in pregnant women is limited to basic clinical recommendations. For symptomatic therapy, only safe medications (Paracetamol and its synonyms), natural preparations based on herbs and food products, inhalations are used. Proper treatment of influenza in expectant mothers should be developed by the therapist. Strongly forbidden to use strong antibacterial drugs, this is dangerous for the fetus.

Than to treat a flu?

With a standard course of acute respiratory viral infection without bacterial complications, a minimal set of medications will be required. Than to treat influenza at home in relation to the symptoms, it is necessary to solve as the appearance of signs of pathology. If infection is detected at the very onset of disease progression, it is advisable to drink the antiviral drug course.

Treatment of influenza - drugs

During the proposed incubation period and in the first 1-3 days after infection, it is advisable to take etiotropic drugs. Antiviral tablets against influenza:

Comprehensive treatment of influenza involves the use of symptomatic drugs. Antihistamines:

Anti-inflammatory with analgesic effect:


Nasal drops:

Medications for cough:

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies

Natural medicines are an effective therapy that supports the work of the immune system and alleviates the symptoms of ARVI. Treating flu in the home with folk remedies can be sufficient for a full recovery. Special attention should be given to the prescriptions given by parents of babies and future mothers, who can not use most pharmacological drugs.

Drink against influenza at an early stage

Ingredients :

Preparation, use :

  1. Dissolve in water all the ingredients.
  2. Stir well the liquid.
  3. Drink the remedy within 2-2.5 hours, preferably the first day after infection.

Prescription for anti-flu medicine

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the ginger root and honey.
  2. Pour the composition with hot water.
  3. Add lemon and mint, spoon them with a spoon.
  4. Insist 15-30 minutes.
  5. Take a drink 1-4 times a day.

Herbal tea from flu

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Grind and mix the herbs.
  2. Pour them with boiling water.
  3. Insist in a sealed container for 40 minutes.
  4. Strain and sweeten tea.
  5. Drink a drink during the day, you can add a few leaves of fresh mint.

Antipyretic broth

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Boil the rump on low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Cool, drain the broth.
  3. The resulting liquid is mixed with honey.
  4. Drink the medicine before bed.

Can I take antibiotics for flu?

The disease described is a viral infection, so antimicrobials are powerless in this case. Antibiotic against influenza is not only inefficient, but it can also cause harm. Such medications weaken the immune system of the body, because of which the virus multiplies and spreads faster. The only situation when it is necessary to use antimicrobial agents is the treatment of complicated influenza. When a bacterial infection joins, antibiotics help to suppress it, but only the doctor should prescribe them.

How not to get sick with the flu?

There are general and specific measures to prevent infection with ARVI.

Standard prevention of influenza and colds:

  1. High-grade food.
  2. Healthy lifestyle.
  3. Enough time for rest.
  4. Physical activity.
  5. Compliance with hygienic rules.
  6. Hardening of the body.
  7. Avoiding places with a large population of people during epidemics.
  8. Admission of vitamin complexes, immunomodulating drugs.

A specific way to prevent pathology is vaccination against influenza. The effectiveness of vaccination has been clinically proven, but it is a voluntary procedure. Doctors advise to introduce vaccination to people in the high-risk zone: