Cirrhosis - Causes

People are of the opinion that the cause of liver cirrhosis is always alcoholism. In fact, there is a fairly broad group of factors that can lead to the destruction of the tissues of the hematopoietic organ.

Cirrhosis - the cause of the disease

  1. Among the main provocateurs of cirrhosis is viral hepatitis. Most often, the disease develops as a result of infection with hepatitis B and C viruses. For example, a type C virus has virtually no symptoms and has been destructive for decades, 97% lethal. No wonder he was nicknamed a gentle killer.
  2. Another common cause of cirrhosis is autoimmune hepatitis. In this case, the organism, for reasons unknown so far, perceive its own tissues as foreign. To combat them, specific antibodies are being developed.
  3. If a person abuses alcohol-containing drinks, after about 10-15 years, the development of cirrhosis is likely.
  4. The destruction of the body is possible due to a negative reaction to the prolonged use of toxic substances and even pharmacological preparations.
  5. Metabolic disorders, provoked by alpha-1-antitrypsin insufficiency, hemochromatosis and other pathologies.
  6. Violation of the patency of the bile duct after 3 months can lead to cirrhosis.
  7. Also, factors that cause structural changes in the body are heart failure and constrictive pericarditis, which ensure a prolonged stagnation of venous blood in the organ.

Causes of development of various forms of cirrhosis

Depending on the initial factor determine the form of pathology, which is necessary for optimal treatment and prognosis.

Thus, the cause of portal cirrhosis of the liver is most often hepatitis . In this case, the pathology can develop only against the background of stagnation of blood in the portal and lower veins.

The causes of small-nodular cirrhosis of the liver do not differ from the provocateurs of the portal type. In principle, this is the same form of the disease. The difference in the title is due to different classification systems.

But the primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver has such causes as inflammation of the bile ducts. By the way, the family prevalence of this form can have a hereditary basis.

If it is not possible to identify the cause of cirrhosis, talk about the cryptogenic form.