What icon should I pray to get pregnant?

Unfortunately, but despite the development of medicine, many women can not become pregnant. No diagnoses are a verdict for people who believe in Higher Powers. It is necessary to know which icon helps to conceive and endure a child , through it to turn to God and ask for help. The main thing is to pray with a pure heart and believe that the plan is sure to come true.

What icon should I pray to get pregnant?

Consider the most famous miraculous images that have already helped a huge number of women become mothers:

  1. "Mammal" . The Virgin is represented on the icon, which nourishes the baby. Prayers before this image help not only conceive, but also give birth to a healthy and strong child. Reading them, you can not be afraid that there will be little milk.
  2. "Support for childbirth . " This icon, in order to become pregnant, also helps not to worry about the problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth. According to the faithful, this image helps to successfully give birth to women, even with the wrong position of the fetus and other complications.
  3. "Infant attraction" . Another image of the Virgin, in which she is represented sitting with the Bogomladenets and they touch each other cheeks. This icon, which helps to become pregnant and give birth, also gives an opportunity to assess the woman's fullness of motherhood. Before this way, mothers can pray when the child is sick.
  4. Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow . The saint is known for helping all people who turn to her in their prayers. Praying before the image is also allowed to women who have difficulty in conception.
  5. Icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg , helping to get pregnant and give birth. The saint in life was subjected to various trials, faced with the callousness and anger of people, but, despite this, she kept faith with a good heart. Today, a huge number of people turn to her for help, including women who want to become mothers.