Signs on the Red Hill to get married

Red Hill is a holiday that is considered to be girlish, because on this day single men are looking for a soul mate, and couples go under the crown. On this day, our ancestors held different rituals to attract love and, without fail, adhered to existing superstitions.

The signs and rituals on the Red Hill to get married

This holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. In ancient times it was believed that it was at this time that real spring comes. People gathered on the hills, sang, drove rounds and amused themselves, which from the side resembled a big wedding .

There are several signs and ceremonies for a successful marriage to the Red Hill:

  1. If it was decided to create a family on this day, then in clothes and accessories should be something with a round pattern. This is associated with the heavenly body, and as is known, the patron of this holiday is Yarilo, the sun god.
  2. On the festive table must certainly be round dishes, for example, cakes or any rolls. Another obligatory treat is Easter eggs.
  3. Especially valuable is a marriage that is blessed in heaven, that is, a past wedding.

It was believed that the couple who became a family on this day will never change each other, and will always live happily.

There are signs on the Red Hill to get married:

  1. To the girl in the next year found her love, she must on this day to go hand in hand with any representative of a male, but it is better if he is unfamiliar.
  2. In no case it is impossible to stay at home this day, since it is believed that such people are waiting for a long loneliness.
  3. Another sign on the Red Hill, how to get married quickly - ask a friend who is married, an Easter egg that will bring good luck in your personal life.
  4. The mascot for attracting love will be ribbons from a wedding dress or a bridal bouquet that marries this day.

Rituals, what to do on the Red Hill to get married

A lonely girl on this holiday should bake a loaf, and after that take two new needles and talk them. Holding one of them, you need to say such a conspiracy:

"A good merchant, bring me a wedding crown. As they call you, they know about that. And I have a ring for a young woman, and bread for salt on the table. The truth to my words for the measured! "

Above the second needle, it is necessary to say these words:

"I am beautiful girl blush and prigozha. She played the sparrow, the bridegroom beckoned. Goy, you fellow, al boyar, al merchant, al visiting fellow. Come on bread and salt. The truth is my words for the measured! ".

The next step is to insert the needles in the loaf so that a cross is formed, and also it's important to sprinkle the salt of salt . It should be placed on the threshold at night, and in the morning transferred to the highest place in the house and left for a year.

If a girl goes to a wedding on the day of the Red Hill, then before you leave the house you should say these words:

"On the sea-okyane, on the island of Buyan, there are three blacksmiths, forge smiths there on three machines.

Do not forge you, smithies, white iron, but skip to me the wedding, firm, firm, everlasting, durable. "

A conspiracy will help bring love to life.