Radonitsa - what can not be done on this day?

It is important to remember and take into account the traditions of this event, so you need to know what can not be done on this day of Radonica. For example, many admit a gross violation, carrying vodka or cigarettes with them to the cemetery. Of course, it is permissible to drink a little red wine in the name of the deceased, but not on such a scale as is customary in the Slavic countries.

What else can not be on Radonitsa, is it to swear or simply swear. It is not necessary, although many actively do this, to put a deceased relative on the window sill. He does not need food anymore, unlike prayers for his soul.

It seems clear that it is impossible, but what can we do, should a question arise among many Orthodox? On this day it is supposed from the very morning to go to the church for communion and confession. The priest at this time utters a memorial prayer, which must be fully defended.

Be sure to remember all the good and good about the deceased dear or near. Take to the cemetery bags of refreshments to give them to other people and ask them to mention the deceased.

Why it is impossible to work for Radonitsa?

Many say that on church holidays, which also includes Radonitsa, you can not work. But there is a natural question that almost every day in the calendar is a church holiday, then you can not work at all?

But it's not entirely true. Great holidays are only twelve, and the rest of the days are regarded in worship of different saints. You can not work for Radonitsa, since this day must be dedicated to the memory of the deceased and prayers for the repose of his soul.