What does a head louse look like?

Lice in any person cause an instinctive aversion, so it's not surprising that dreams with their participation leave an unpleasant residue in most people. But a negative attitude to this kind of dreams is not always justified, since they can be harbingers of great luck . It's right to interpret what the lice in your head dream about, you can only take into account all the details of sleep. That is, it is necessary to remember as much as possible whether the lice were many or few, what happened to them, whether they were on your head or on someone else's, etc.

Why does one louse dream?

If in a dream you saw in your hair only one louse, but it was very large, then it is worth waiting for a big profit. If the louse was lean, the profit will be insignificant. Most likely, you will return an old debt, which you no longer wanted to receive. If the louse in a dream will cause you disgust, then, on the contrary, you will lose a large sum of money. Wangi's dream interpretation of the question of what the lice on his head dreams of answers like this: a dream speaks of luck; and if you have killed a louse or just shaken off your head, then it portends a quick and successful disposal of problems.

Why do you dream a lot of lice in your head?

Seeing in a dream infecting insects and their nits in their own hair, means to receive a warning that you will soon be ill. Not necessarily seriously, it can be a common cold, and an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Somewhat differently interprets the answer to the question of what the lice in my head dream of, the dream book of Nostradamus. It states that such a dream speaks of profit, but to receive it you will have to overcome some obstacle, showing endurance and patience.

Why does a louse have a headache in another person's head?

A dream in which the lice were in your relatives 'or friends' hair, says that they will soon need help. Perhaps one of them will fall ill or face some kind of material problems. If the insects are on the child's head, it means that soon you will face conflicts in your family. But they will not be global in nature, and they will be quickly resolved.

Why dream of lice in a dream?

The destruction of lice in a dream means the successful overcoming of all obstacles in real life. You will be able to find a solution to the long-suffering problem, avoid the intrigues of ill-wishers, get rid of debts. And still such a dream can say that you should get rid of your own negative thoughts and intentions, for example, from plans for revenge towards someone.