When to collect the seeds of thuja?

Tui is often used in landscape design. They are very appreciated thanks to their beautiful appearance, which is preserved throughout the year.

Most often, thuja is grown by cuttings , but recently the seed method has become popular - it is more affordable and, moreover, quite effective. Sure, you need to know when to collect the seeds of thuja in time.

What are the seeds of thuya?

Seeds of an evergreen plant mature in cones located at the tips of branches. These cones ripen in the first year of fruiting. On an adult tree, they are easy to see - they have a brown-orange or light brown color, reminiscent of branched branches that have turned brown with cold.

It is these brown seed shoots that are collected to produce the seeds of thuja. They easily break off from the tree. After drying the house, the cones unfold and seeds emerge from them - small winged and reddish-colored seeds.

When are the seeds of thuja ripening?

The time for collecting the seeds of thuja and the stock of planting material is usually at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Collect cones should be before they open, because of the dry and open cones, they are very easy to fall asleep on the ground.

Collected cones should be spread out on a flat surface in a dry and warm aired room. When the bumps open, the seeds will be very easy to extract. After collecting the seeds of thuja, you need to decide when you will use them for planting.

Depending on this, you must prepare them for long or short storage. And you can immediately sow the seeds "in the winter." By the way, it is during the autumn planting that the thuys get the most hardened, strong, less demanding to care. Having gone through a natural stratification, the plants rise earlier, grow faster, they better tolerate wintering.