Classical okroshka with sausage on kvass - recipe

With the approach of summer, refreshing cold soups are again gaining popularity, which not only saturates, but also allows you to receive an indescribable pleasure from a meal, which can only be compared to enjoying eating ice cream in the heat. One such is okroshka. Today we will talk about cooking okroshki with sausage on kvass.

The proposed recipes, of course, are not fundamentally classical. These are considered by modern consumers, who eventually adapted truly original recipes to their own taste and modernized them by replacing some components with others. So, for example, earlier used only for cooking of the classic okroshka meat, and sausage in the olden days, there were no mention. Along with the vegetables offered in the recipes, radish, sometimes pickles and many different greens were also used. In addition, in the old days, the okroshka was cooked with mushrooms and did not add potatoes to it, which for us at the moment seems absolutely unacceptable.

But if you do not judge strictly the recipes below, you can still call them classical, only with some modern amendments. And the main one in this case is the use of sausages in the ingredients.

Okroshka on kvass with sausage - a classic recipe



To prepare okroshki according to the classic recipe, we need to boil potato tubers and hard-boiled eggs in a uniform . Then the potatoes and eggs are cleaned and cut into cubes. In the same manner, grind the cooked doctor's sausage, washed and dried radish and cucumbers and minced with a sharp knife prepared stalks of green onions and dill. Mix all the ingredients in a wide bowl or pan. The resulting multicomponent mixture is laid out on plates, poured with kvass, add sour cream to taste, salt and mix well.

Okroshka classic with kvass and smoked sausage



A distinctive feature of this recipe in use instead of boiled sausage is smoked or boiled-smoked. Due to this, the taste of the dish acquires a piquant note and a peculiar rich flavor.

In the rest we prepare the ingredients for classical okroshka on kvass similarly to the recommendations described above. Boil until ready and clean the potato tubers and eggs and cut both components with small cubes. In the same way, grind cleaned smoked sausage and a little bit smaller shinkuem cucumbers and radish. Now prepare the stalks of green onions and cut them with oblique, small feathers, and chop fresh dill with a sharp knife.

Next, we recommend mixing all the prepared ingredients in the pan, filling with sour cream, pour kvass with okroshechnym or bread and mix well.

We try the okroshka for taste and, if necessary, add salt.

Classical okroshka on kvass with sausage is often filled with extra flavor. For this, it is added to taste when served with mustard or horseradish. Or, directly during the preparation, a refueling is introduced into the dish from the ground boiled yolk with green onions, herbs and salt. Processed in this way, green ingredients maximize their taste and have a beneficial effect on the final result of the dish.