Confiture of cherries for the winter

If you consider yourself a fan of unusual sweets, a confiture of cherries for the winter is something that will give you real pleasure. This natural sweetness is a cross between jelly and jam, so it can be used not only separately, but also spread on bread and even used as a filling for a pie. In addition, regular use of cherries at any time of the year improves blood coagulability, is an excellent prevention of anemia and contributes to an increase in appetite.

Confiture of cherry with gelatin for the winter

The addition of gelatin will help to get the product most quickly, in its consistency close to jelly. Such a confiture will appeal to its unusual taste even to small whims, which sometimes because of a sour taste refuses to eat cherries in their pure form.



Rinse the cherries well and extract the bones from it using a special device or pin. Scroll the berries through a meat grinder, transfer the mass into a large saucepan, pour the sugar and put on a strong fire. When the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum. Before you make a confiture of cherries for the winter, remember that it should be cooked for at least half an hour. Then add vanillin and mix well.

When the berry mass cool slightly, dissolve the gelatin in a glass of warm water and pour into the almost ready-made confiture, mix thoroughly, pour into pre- sterilized jars and roll up. You can store the workpiece not necessarily in a cellar or a refrigerator.

Confiture of cherries without pits for the winter

This delicacy came to us from far-away France, but surely caught on and in our kitchen. Unlike traditional jam, it differs more delicate taste, and it is very convenient due to the absence of pits. If you do not know exactly how to make an amazing confiture of cherries for the winter, try this simple method.



Treat the cherries to remove immature and spoiled fruit, peel off the pedicels and wash well. Remove from the cherries bones, put in a wide container and pour sugar. Gently mix the mixture with your hands to avoid damaging the berries, and let stand for 2-3 hours. Then add lemon juice and heat the berry mass on minimum heat, constantly stirring and removing the foam, until the moment of boiling. After boiling, cook the confitant for another 4 minutes, chop it still hot in a blender and pour into sterilized jars. According to this recipe for jam from cherries for the winter, the jars should be left in an upside down position for 10-12 minutes, then placed under the blanket until cooled and transferred to a dark and cool enough place.