Compote of gooseberry for the winter

This elementary recipe for compote of gooseberries for the winter will appeal to all lovers of unusual vitamin drinks. Compote is incredibly rich, tasty and fabulously fragrant.

A simple recipe for compote of gooseberries for the winter



First of all, we prepare banks: we wash them in boiling water and sterilize them. Then in each spread berries gooseberries, filling it about a third. Now we carefully sort out the branches of lemon balm and lay it on top of the berries. Fill all with steep boiling water, close with clean lids and leave it for exactly 5 minutes. Next, the liquid is gently drained into one clean enamel pan and put on the stove to simmer. By this time, sugar and lemon juice are poured into each jar. When the water boils again, we pour all the jars on the neck, roll them up, turn them over and leave them to cool down in this position.

Compote of gooseberry with orange for the winter



So, the berries of gooseberries are sorted carefully and thoroughly washed. We are careful not to miss rotten and damaged berries, because it can not only spoil the whole taste of compote, but also negatively affect your body. We do not purify the orange from the peel, but simply rinse the fruit. Then cut it in thin circles and put it in clean jars. After that, fall asleep prepared gooseberries and pour all hot sugar syrup. Do not forget only that he must boil well. For its preparation, pour in a pot of water, fall asleep sugar and put on a strong fire, stirring. After that, the jars are rolled up with tin lids and turn the compote upside down. We put the workpiece on the floor, wrap it with something warm and leave it to cool completely in this position exactly for a day. The next day, we turn over the conservation and move it to a dark place for further storage.

Compote of gooseberry and black currant



We sort out the berries, remove all the stems and rinse them under tap water. In the boiling water, pour out the sugar and stir with a spoon until all the crystals have dissolved completely. As soon as the syrup starts boiling, put the prepared berries, wait until the compote again boils, and boil it for 5 minutes, closing the lid. After that, throw the slices of lemon and remove the pan from the fire. We taste the drink and add sugar, if necessary. We pour it over clean cans, cover with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes, and then roll them up with lids. When the compote completely cool down, we rearrange it for storage in a cold cellar or refrigerator.

Compote of cherries and gooseberries for the winter



All the fruits are sorted, separated from leaves and thoroughly washed with cold water. In the banks prepared in advance, we put all the berries and fall asleep sugar. We boil water, pour into cans, cover with lids and insist the drink for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid from the cans into a pan and boil again on medium heat. Fill berries a second time along the neck and roll tightly on the lids. We remove the ready conservation in a dark place and carefully wrap it until it cools down completely. That's all, compote for the winter is ready for use!