Asocial personality disorder

In modern psychiatry, "personality" does not mean the same thing as in sociology, but the way of thinking, perception and behavior that characterizes a person in his usual way of life. Hence it follows that personality disorder is some kind of disturbance in behavior, intellect or emotional sphere.

Personality disorders

Asocial personality disorder is just one of many. In general, all personality disorders have a lot of options. These are congenital psychopathies that lead a person to various kinds of disruptions, pathological reactions to ordinary situations, etc. The weaker in severity of the disorder is called accentuation of character - these are failures that manifest themselves in certain areas of life and, as a rule, do not lead to too harmful results, and therefore are not considered as pathologies.

Asocial personality disorder

The main sign of this type of personality disorder is disregard, and sometimes violence against other people. Previously, this disorder was called in different ways: both innate criminality, and moral insanity, and constitutional psychopathic inferiority. Today, this disorder is usually referred to as an immoral or deviant disorder, and if one word is sociopathy.

The antisocial personality type differs in a number of ways from the others. First of all, behavior disorders are observed in this case - public norms do not seem obligatory to the person, but thoughts and feelings of other people are simply ignored.

Such people tend to maximally manipulate others to achieve some personal goals - power over someone gives them pleasure. Cheating, intrigue and simulation is quite the usual means for them to achieve the desired. However, their actions, as a rule, are carried out under the influence of momentum and rarely lead to the realization of a certain goal. Asocial personality never thinks about the consequences of what was done. Because of this, they often have to change jobs, surroundings and even residence.

When advising asocial personalities, their excessive irritability, overestimated self-esteem, and insolence are usually noticeable. To relatives, they are even inclined to use physical violence. They are not interested in either their own security or the safety of the lives of their loved ones - all this is not a value.