Nasal bleeding causes

On the frequency of occurrence in men and women, nasal bleeding ranks 1st among all spontaneous bleedings. They appear suddenly and can even be accompanied by a rather large loss of blood. But what are the causes of nasal bleeding?

Local causes of nasal bleeding

To local causes of epistaxis, above all, include nasal trauma, nasal congestion and chronic atrophic rhinitis. Blood in this case often begins to go from the vascular plexus, which is located on the nasal septum. In cases where the plexus is superficial, severe bleeding may occur even at the slightest physical strain.

Local causes of severe nasal bleeding are also the ingress of foreign bodies into the nasal cavity and constant picking in the nose, which is so characteristic of small children. These actions injure the nasal mucosa and cause the appearance of blood.

The causes of frequent nasal bleeding may be concealed in various infections. Thus, a change in the structure of the mucosa and the release of blood cause:

Sometimes bleeding from the nasal passages occurs simply over trifles. For example, this phenomenon can provoke dry air in the room or the fact that a person blew his nose very strongly. But in some cases, the causes of frequent nasal bleeding are fairly serious hereditary diseases or occupational hazards (the constant dustiness of the air at work).

Common causes of nasal bleeding

Common causes of nasal bleeding in women and men are most often hypertensive disease, blood or liver disease, and a clotting disorder. If the blood from the nose went because of hypertension, you should not be afraid. The organism of the patient in this way simply "releases extra steam", that is, he insures himself against the abundant hemorrhages in the brain. Usually, after such bleeding with a sharp increase in pressure (arterial), the state of hypertension improves.

But when nasal bleeding was triggered by diseases such as hemophilia, leukemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis or cirrhosis , it is worthwhile, stopping the sudden appearance of blood, to see a doctor.

Other common reasons for this phenomenon include: