Tracheobronchitis - treatment

Inflammatory lesions of the mucous trachea, bronchi and bronchioles respond well to therapy, especially in the early stages of the pathological process. In about 10 days, the tracheobronchitis can be completely eliminated - the treatment allows you to quickly normalize the drainage function of the airways, soften the dry and nasal cough, dilute and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.

Treatment of acute tracheobronchitis

First and foremost, drugs are prescribed that help fight dry cough and improve bronchial function:

With the microbial origin of the inflammatory process, tracheobronchitis is treated with antibiotics:

An alternative to antibacterial drugs are sulfonamides and antimicrobials:

If the cause of tracheobronchitis are viruses, it is recommended that you take the appropriate medications:

Treatment of chronic tracheobronchitis

Sluggish progressing form of the disease is dangerous with severe complications, therefore, its therapy should be approached in a comprehensive manner and coordinated with all drugs with a pulmonologist.

Drug treatment is similar to fighting acute inflammation, but it is supplemented by physiotherapy, warming and percussion massage.

Also recommended are inhalations, steam or carried out with the help of a nebulizer. In addition to pharmacological preparations, it is possible to use plant raw materials. Unconventional treatment of tracheobronchitis with folk remedies helps to dilute sputum faster and accelerate its cough.

Ingredients for inhalation:

Treatment of allergic tracheobronchitis

To improve the state of health in this case, the standard therapy regimen needs to be further developed, supplemented with antihistamines . This will normalize the reaction of the immune system to contact with irritants, slightly reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.

It is desirable during treatment to completely exclude any interaction with allergens.