When does menopause occur?

The reproductive period in a woman's life, that is, the time when she is capable of conceiving and bearing a child, has the property of ending. And this time is usually called menopause .

Having entered adulthood and trying to somehow plan her and prolong her youth, every woman wants to know at what age menopause begins.

Today, when the quality of life is constantly melting, the question of women's health is quite urgent, so women are not ashamed not only to question their doctor and discuss with her friends such delicate state as menopause, but prefer to prepare for this period in advance.

When does menopause begin in women?

To answer the question of how many years begins menopause, it is necessary to turn to statistical data: in most women the onset of menopause is at the age of 50 plus or minus 5 years, although it is possible the movement of the limiting age for another 5 years in either direction. In these cases, they speak of the onset of premature or, conversely, late menopause.

The process of hormonal adjustment is characterized by family similarity in symptomatology and the timing of the appearance of symptoms of menopause . Therefore, other things being equal, the period of menopause along the female line of the same family comes about at the same age - this allows predicting with a high probability of when a woman has menopause. Although one can not underestimate the individual characteristics of each woman and the impact of her lifestyle on reproductive health - they can significantly shift the scope of the climacteric period.

The term for the onset of menopause is influenced by:

The phases of the onset of menopause

The climacteric period does not occur at the same time.

There are three time periods, after which the woman leaves the reproductive age.

  1. Premenopause . After forty and for the next few years, the female body begins to decrease the production of estrogen. Menstruation in a woman becomes irregular: they can be either too abundant or too scarce.
  2. Menopause - the level of estrogen is reduced to the minimum values, the monthly stops.
  3. Postmenopause - occurs one year after the termination of the last menstruation.

Unfortunately, there are no methods that can accurately determine the start of menopause. Everything is determined by the individual characteristics of each woman's body. But in any case, a woman should understand that the onset of menopause is not the end of life, but only her new stage.