The details of the "magic" diet of Mariah Carey

The famous pop singer Mariah Carey continues to amaze with the rapid improvement in appearance. The singer has noticeably lost weight and, it seems, is not going to stop there!

Mrs. Carey admitted that she could lose as much as 7 kilograms. With the naked eye you can see that the artist is not cunning. According to Mariahy, it is a slope to easy and quick recruitment of excess weight, but it is extremely difficult to get rid of unnecessary volume in the waist, hips and abdomen area. The singer did not dare to adhere to a complex but effective diet system for Dyukan, because she knew that she could not say goodbye to carbohydrates. Therefore, the bride of the billionaire James Packer preferred a more pleasant, fish diet.

What does the singer eat?

The main key to success is eating seafood and fish three times a day. Nutritionist advised the artist such a diet: for breakfast, salmon, for lunch - marine language (fish-salt), for dinner - tuna. Once a day you can afford any fruit.

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The results of such a menu did not take long. The 46-year-old singer has already changed her wardrobe. Now in him clothes are two sizes smaller than she used to wear!

And then the singer faced a serious problem: her lover against such a rapid development of events. He liked the pear-Mariah, like she was before. Here is the paradox: the singer started losing weight for the wedding with the billionaire, and he was just more than a curvy lover's favorite.

It is to be hoped that the author of hits "My All" and "Without You" does not overdo it with getting rid of weight, and will not lose his individuality.