How to accelerate the maturation of a tomato in a greenhouse?

Unfortunately, summer does not always please warm days, so in a greenhouse tomatoes may not have time to ripen completely before the onset of cold weather. Therefore, the question of how to speed up the process of tomato ripening in the greenhouse for our compatriots is always at the peak of relevance. About some tricks that will help tomatoes to become ripe sooner, you can learn from our article.

How to accelerate the ripening of tomato fruit?

So, what tricks will help to quickly get a harvest of delicious and ripe tomatoes? In fact, these methods are very simple and effective, the main thing is to understand what and when to do.

Step 1 - pruning the tomato in the greenhouse

The first step on the way to the early harvest of tomatoes is the removal of all the extra growth from them. So, each tomato bush needs to prick the top, thus limiting its height. This will direct the forces of the bush to ripen the fruit, and not to form excess green mass. When the tomatoes begin to burn in the first brush, you need to cut off all the leaves under it. Thus, all the nutrients will be sent directly to the fruit, bypassing the transshipment station in the form of leaves.

Step 2 - restriction of feeding and watering

As you know, the life of any plant is aimed at ensuring reproduction of the genus. And the worse the environmental conditions are, the faster this goal will be achieved. Therefore, after the fruits begin to fill up, it is necessary to limit the amount of watering and stop feeding tomatoes so that they do not form excess greens, but rather give a harvest.

Step 3 - limiting the downward current of nutrients

To all the forces of the plant go to ripening the fruits, you can also physically limit the amount of nutrients coming from the trunk to the roots. To this end, at the end of August, the trunk of the bush is neatly cut at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground in such a way that a 10 cm long incision was made into which a wooden chip or a small stick is inserted, which prevents the sides of the cut from closing. A number of copper rings, worn on the base of the trunk, will help to achieve the goal.

Step 4 - spraying tomatoes with iodine solution

Another proven way how to speed up the maturation of tomatoes is spraying them with iodine, or rather its weak solution. The recipe for spraying is as follows: 30-40 drops must be dissolved in 1 bucket (10 liters) of warm water. The resulting solution is enough to process one and a half square meters of tomato beds, which must be processed in the second half of August.