Genetic Psychology

The creator of this trend is Jean Piaget, who first noticed that when carrying out special tests children of approximately the same age make the same mistakes, which contributed to the hypothesis that he has differentiated the thinking process in adults and children. At the present time, genetic psychology studies the cognitive processes in children, the mechanisms of cognitive activity, as well as the logical processes of children.

Genetic memory in psychologists

At the heart of this field of psychology is the hypothesis that there is a certain mechanism that allows you to transfer memory of the genotype by inheritance, that is, it is the only type of memory that can not be influenced and that can not be changed. This information about the genotype is given to us at birth and it is called hereditary memory. The genetic roots of psychology and behavior are a very difficult problem. After all, scientists still can not determine what is more influential in the formation of a person - socium, education, environmental factors or all the same heredity. It is the definition of this aspect that is one of the most important tasks of this field of science.

The genetic principle in psychology is the hypothesis that not only hereditary information affects the development of both our memory and thinking. It is believed that the cultural environment, personal characteristics, as well as the educational methods used, can both accelerate the development process and slow it down. This hypothesis is fully supported by the principles of socio-genetic psychology, which says that the development of personality can not be conditioned solely by "innate" characteristics or only by the social environment, these two factors will always "work together".

Genetic mechanisms of mental disorders

Similar changes occur to a greater extent because of different chromosomal abnormalities. The most common pathology of this kind is dementia, as well as Down's syndrome . But, in some cases, a "malfunction" can occur due to a violation of the DNA sequence.

To date, specialists can not say what factors cause such violations, and how to completely avoid the danger of the birth of such a child. Therefore, studies of these violations are currently very active.