Strange monthly

Strange monthly - a phenomenon ubiquitous, and more often it is with this problem that women turn to the gynecologist.

Ideally, the regularity, duration and character of menstruation are established as soon as possible after its appearance. According to

When there are any failures in the sexual system, women note that they have a weird month. In this case, in most cases, they are concerned about the color, consistency or uncharacteristic volume of excreta.

So, under the definition of "strange monthly" can fall:

As a rule, by the nature of the changes, one can judge a possible problem:

  1. If a woman has a strange monthly brown color, a number of gynecological diseases can be suggested, for example, endometriosis , endometritis , the appearance of tumors in the uterine cavity, genital tuberculosis.
  2. Strange, namely, liquid, profuse monthly bright red color may indicate dysfunction of the ovaries, the presence of uterine fibroids and malignant tumor, ectopic pregnancy, hormonal failure. In addition, scarlet secretions can be a warning signal about problems with hematopoiesis and low hemoglobin.
  3. It is cautious and promptly to call an ambulance should be in those cases when a woman notes that her strangely monthly, dizzy, has a bad pain in her loin and lower abdomen, while the allocation is abundant enough that an hour full filling of the tampon occurs. This clinical picture is typical for uterine bleeding, which can have irreversible consequences.
  4. Strange meager and short months are sometimes observed during pregnancy, or rather, when the threat of interruption. Also, a brown smear can be a manifestation of hormonal imbalance, an early onset of menopause or the result of taking oral contraceptives.