Priming of walls before plastering

After the repair it is often possible to see cracked or exfoliated plaster. Cracks can occur due to poor quality material, improper drying, incorrect component ratio, but detachment can be avoided by applying a primer to the plaster.

Do I need to primed before plastering, if I did not do this before? Such a question can easily arise, because many years, when there were no primers, did without them. And all the walls adhered perfectly, and nothing fell, did not lag behind. But earlier there were completely different materials and other production processes. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that now all the technological stages do not pass without a primer, or it is the processing of metal or the dressing of a wooden product.

Priming is the application of several layers of a special mixture (primer) to the surface. If the choice went to finish the wall with paint, the primer will help her to lie more evenly, and the consumption will be less. When pasting wallpaper, the primer can slightly level the surface and allow better bonding of the wallpaper to the wall. But if the walls are plastered, then the primer will provide better adhesion of the plaster and the wall.

Let's first understand what surfaces should be primed, and which do not really need this process. Primer binds only mineral substances. That is why it will be ideal to use primers for the treatment of plasters (for example, new or old and sprinkled), as well as for gluing wallpapers and ceramic tiles. But here gypsum cardboard before the putty does not require additional treatment with a primer. Unless only to remove the excess dust between the seams, this will require only a light mortar of the soil mixture. Strictly forbidden to primed brick walls in front of the plaster. If such a process is to be done, a thin crust forms on the bricks, which will facilitate the flow of the plaster downwards, because of it the solution will not linger on, and so not porous, the material.

Which soils should be applied to different surfaces?

If different types of surfaces are observed in the room, several types of primer should be purchased:

On all the above surfaces in front of the decorative plaster, you must apply at least one coat of primer. Before pasting wallpaper, all walls also need additional primer under the wallpaper , even if they have already passed this procedure before.

Primers are shipped to stores in the form of ready-made liquid mixture or in a dry composition, which is only required to dilute with water and mix well. On the packaging it is necessary to say in which ratio it is necessary to dilute the product, the method of application and the required number of layers for the desired effect. It is necessary to adhere to all recommendations, since the products of each manufacturer differ from each other.

The primer is applied to the surface with a roller by a thin even layer. For these works, the roller is better to choose a short-haired, so as not to leave furrows from the primer. Only after its complete drying is allowed further construction work.