Can I walk with the baby at a temperature?

Everyone knows that walks in any weather are very useful for the child. However, what if the kid got sick and he got fever? - Is it possible to walk at an elevated temperature?

It all depends on how high it is.

When can you walk with a child?

You can walk if the temperature of the child is below 37.5, even if the child coughs and has a runny nose. With various broncho-pulmonary diseases, frequent exposure to fresh air is not only not harmful, but it is useful, since it is in this case that the child receives a full-fledged ventilation, which is necessary for his recovery. If during a walk in the child the cough increases, becomes wet, - this sign should in no case be regarded as a necessity to return home. This cough means that the walk acts positively, the bronchi and lungs of the child are cleared of the mucus accumulated in them.

When you can not walk with a child?

  1. You can not go out if there is a minus temperature, and your child, in turn, has a high temperature.
  2. You can not go out if there is a 40-degree heat on the street, and conditions are more suitable in your apartment, or if the temperature is above 35 degrees outdoors, and you will not be able to hide from the scorching sun in the shade.
  3. You can not walk with a child, if your child is allergic to the flowering of various plants, and on the street you can not avoid meeting them.

When can you walk after the temperature?

If a child has had ARVI, he still has a runny nose, cough, but the temperature is below 37.5 degrees, walks are not only possible, but also beneficial for your child's health. That's how he handles the virus, which is still attacking the baby.

How to dress a child on the street, if he has a little more fever?

The most important condition is not to overheat. It seems to adults that the most important thing is for a newly-recovered child not to overcool, because often a child is too warmly dressed. As a result, the child, not dressed in the weather, sweats heavily, then the slightest breeze cooling his wet clothes causes what they feared-hypothermia.

During a walk, always check the child's collar if it becomes wet, then it's time to go home and wear a light outfit.

So, can you walk with the baby at a temperature? - Of course, you can if the conditions in your apartment are worse than on the street.