When can I exercise after cesarean?

Almost every woman after the birth of a child wants to restore their forms as soon as possible. But one thing, when the delivery was carried out in a classical way, and quite another, when there was a Caesarean section.

Knowing that it is impossible after a cesarean to go in for sports, young moms are interested in when it is already possible to begin physical activities and how long it is necessary to wait after a successful operation. Let's try to understand this question.

How soon after cesarean section can you exercise?

After such an operation, a woman should engage in those sports, in which there is no stress on the muscles of the abdominal press. In this case, doctors are advised to start no earlier than 6 weeks after the operation. This is the time it takes to form a scar on the uterus.

It is best to begin to choose exercises for the chest and legs, which can be performed while sitting, without using the press.

Then, after a while, you can connect the muscles of the pelvic floor. The main thing to fulfill them is necessary on an exhalation, instead of on an inspiration.

How soon can you start restoring the muscles of the press after cesarean?

Asking the doctor about how soon after cesarean it is possible to go in for sports, women in most cases mean exercise for a press. After all, the stomach after pregnancy loses its shape, and most of all worried about this young mom.

So, first of all it is necessary to make sure that the suture on the uterus is tightened and a scar is formed. In addition, do not start classes if there are minor, but with a regular consistency of pain.

Also do not rush to do exercises on the press right after the pains have disappeared. Start small. For example, first try to retract the navel and then release it to the outside, trying to keep the muscles in tension for no more than 10 seconds.

In order to correctly choose a set of exercises , a woman can apply to special groups for postpartum recovery, which are organized at large fitness centers in large cities. There they will be prompted which exercises should be better performed to restore the form, and at the same time they will follow the correctness of their implementation.

So, in order to understand what kind of sport you can do after a cesarean and how much you can start, the woman is best advised to consult a specialist.