Birth at 33 weeks gestation

As you know, terminology is the pregnancy, in which the appearance of the baby is from 37 to 42 weeks of gestation. However, in practice, it often happens that a child is born much earlier. Consider this situation in more detail, and we will talk about premature birth at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy.

What are the features of childbirth at month 9?

The obstetricians are divided into two such concepts as menacing and starting premature births. About the first speak in those cases when there are signs of an early onset of delivery. In turn, started - when there are contractions and the beginning of labor. If there is a threat of premature birth of a baby, physicians make every effort: a woman is placed in bed, medications that help to relax the uterine musculature.

What are the signs of the onset of premature delivery at week 33?

It is worth noting that the beginning of this process is evidenced by the same symptoms as when delivering on time.

In most cases, the delivery at such a time does not occur suddenly. It all begins with the appearance of pulling pains in the lower segment of the abdomen. After a while, the passage of amniotic fluid can be noted, which, in fact, is the first stage of childbirth. If at this time the woman is at home, you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Among other possible signs of the onset of labor at the 9th month, it is necessary to name:

What are the consequences of delivery at week 33 of pregnancy?

To begin with, it must be said that in about 90% of cases the appearance of a baby at this time is successful, and eventually the doctors manage to leave the child.

The main difficulties encountered by infants born in this period are as follows:

  1. Imperfection of the thermoregulation system. As a rule, after giving birth the child is placed in a kuvez. The duration of stay there is 2-4 weeks.
  2. Low body weight. This parameter is paid special attention to physicians. As a rule, nutrition in such cases, kids get artificial.
  3. Difficulty of breathing processes. Often, when 3/4 babies appear on such a term, they need to be connected to an artificial respiration device. In this case, doctors closely monitor the indices of oxygen saturation of blood. When it becomes normal, the device is turned off.

Separately, it is necessary to say how dangerous is the phenomenon, like delivery in 33 weeks for the woman herself. The main difficulties associated with the process of delivery on this date relate to:

The birth of twins at the 33nd week of pregnancy is also fraught with a number of dangers. In addition to those listed above, during delivery, hypoxia may occur in a child who is recovered second.