Bubble puncture at delivery

Normally, the water should go away in the process of delivery. But sometimes it happens that the battles have already intensified and the matter is approaching attempts, but the waters do not go away. In this case, the doctor decides whether to puncture the bladder.

Contractions help the cervix to open, and the baby - to move along the birth canal. The cervix of the uterus is smoothed and then opened, and all this at the expense of contraction of the uterine muscles. But the opening is also due to a fetal bladder: from contractions the uterus is actively contracting, the intrauterine pressure is increasing, and the fetal bladder is straining, while the amniotic fluid is rushing down, the lower part of the fetal bladder enters the uterine cavity (inner) and helps to open the cervix.

Usually, the bladder ruptures when the cervix is ​​fully or almost completely opened. The first come out the front waters - they are in front of the presenting part (most often it is the head). When the bladder ruptures, the woman does not feel anything, because there are no nerve endings in it.

In some, about 10% of women giving birth, water is released before the onset of labor. This is difficult not to notice, because immediately follows about a glass (200 ml) of liquid. But it also happens that the bladder bursts not at the exit of the neck, but in the place of contact with one of the walls of the uterus. Then the water just leaks by drop, gradually, a tasty underwear.

If the waters have moved home, you need to go urgently to the hospital. Be sure to remember the time of their departure and tell the doctor about it. It is worth paying attention to the nature of the waters - their color and smell. Normally they should be transparent and have no smell.

As we see, the role of amniotic fluid for the normal course of childbirth is quite large. If the water does not escape during the delivery process, the birth is delayed in time. Speech in this case is about prolonged labor, and in this case, an artificial opening of the fetal bladder is necessary.

Indications for bladder puncture during labor

A puncture (opening) of the amniotic bladder is sometimes necessary. Among them:

How is the amniotic fluid pierced?

The procedure itself is absolutely painless, as in the bladder, as already mentioned, there are no nerve pain ends. Opening is performed during vaginal examination using a special tool - a metal hook. After the puncture of the bladder and the outflow of water, the genera become more rapid, and soon the baby will be born.