Monthly after cesarean section

Each woman is individual, and so is the process of restoring the monthly cycle after childbirth. But, as a rule, the first months after cesarean appear in the same terms as after normal birth.

Recovery of the monthly after cesarean section depends more on whether you are breastfeeding or not. When breastfeeding, usually the first monthly appear much later than with the artificial.

In the absence of lactation, the monthly after cesarean section will not take long to wait - they appear already 2-3 months after the operation. Whereas with natural breastfeeding, the monthly cycle is restored longer, depending on the frequency of feeding and other features of physiology.

Norms of excretions

Regardless of when the monthly will go after cesarean section, the first discharge is usually quite abundant. The increase in the volume of precipitations, as a rule, is observed for the first couple of months from the moment of the restoration of the cycle. If this trend continues, you should pay attention to this and consult a doctor.

The causes of profuse menstrual after cesarean can be hormonal changes in the body, especially the structure of the female's reproductive system or myometrium hyperplasia after cesarean.

Do not leave unattended and too scarce a month after cesarean. In any case, your doctor-gynecologist should appoint certain methods of examination, and if necessary, prescribe a treatment.

If you are alerted by the frequency of onset of menstruation, that is, they go more often than once a month, it can speak about the possible violations of the contractile capacity of the uterus caused by an operating trauma and the negative impact of pain medications.

But do not panic ahead of time. Full recovery of the monthly cycle occurs only after 3-4 months. Prior to this, menstruation can "jump" - then start later than laid, then suddenly repeat after 2 weeks. The body only began the process of recovery.

Monthly or lochia?

Do not confuse the discharge immediately after cesarean and monthly. The first (lochia) - accompany every woman, regardless of whether the childbirth was natural or an operation was performed.

After delivery in the uterus, the process of its purification takes place. Everyone knows that after the removal of the placenta on the wall of the uterus is a fairly large wound. In the process of healing, it bleeds. Especially copious bleeding is observed in the first two to three days after delivery. These days a woman can get up to a hundred milliliters of bloody discharge a day. Further, the volume of secretions decreases, their color changes and gradually, as the wound heals, they become yellowish-white and soon completely disappear.

The way the so-called monthly ones go after cesarean depends, again, on the characteristics of the organism of each particular woman. Someone takes this process 2-3 weeks, while others it stretches for 2 months.

After completing the discharge, doctors recommend a preventive checkup from an obstetrician-gynecologist to make sure absence of inflammatory processes and other troubles, and also to confirm the normal contraction of the uterus and its return to its original state.

Monthly and lactation

There is an opinion that during a month you can not breast-feed your baby. But this is nothing more than a myth. Milk during the period does not change its taste and nutritional status. The only thing - the first couple of days, its number may decrease somewhat. Do not worry and get upset, because soon the volumes of tides of milk will be restored, and everything will fall into place.