Classic recipe mulled wine at home, the choice of spices and how to drink it right?

A classic mulled wine recipe at home will be repeated by every amateur culinary specialist who wants to surprise the guests with a new cocktail. The drink perfectly helps to fight against colds, because it is very popular in the cool period of the year.

How to cook mulled wine at home?

Classic mulled wine has a pleasant taste, warming properties that help fight the first symptoms of a cold, hot wine and spices - powerful antioxidants that help strengthen immunity. In order not to lose the useful properties of the drink, it is important to properly weld it.

  1. For a non-alcoholic version, the composition of mulled wine is based on cherry, grape or pomegranate juice.
  2. For cooking hot cocktail you need a small pot or deep saucepan. Stir the drink with a wooden spatula (spoon), pour on special glasses with a large handle, the volume of glasses is not less than 300 ml.
  3. Wine with spices is heated to 70-80 degrees, cooked no longer than 5 minutes.
  4. Important ingredients for mulled wine are fruits. Typically, the choice is stopped on citrus and apples.
  5. Sweeten the drink with honey, less often with sugar.

Which wine is better for mulled wine?

The basis of the classic drink is wine for mulled wine, it's pointless to seriously bother with its choice. It is important to take alcohol as a trusted manufacturer, it may not be expensive.

  1. The classic mulled wine recipe at home is based on red wine. Alcohol can be dry, semi-sweet, fortified.
  2. Sometimes, for a special flavor and strength, add cognac or rum.
  3. White wine is an unconventional component of mulled wine, but has long been recognized by most fans of a hot cocktail.
  4. Do not choose expensive alcohol, due to the filling of the cocktail with spices and fruits, the quality of the wine is lost.

Set of spices for mulled wine

Seasoning for mulled wine is a flavoring component that is responsible for the quality and benefits of the drink. Properly selected set of spices will create the right atmosphere, filling the house with an unusual aroma.

  1. An important condition in the preparation of mulled wine is the use of unmilled spices, so that the drink does not turn muddy.
  2. Cinnamon sticks and carnation buds are the classic ingredients of a set of spices for mulled wine.
  3. Grains of cardamom and barberry add an interesting light sourness to the drink.
  4. Ginger adds spice, it is added with caution.
  5. The asterisks and badyan stars give the drink a delicate aroma and transform the color.
  6. Hot pepper will make mulled wine very unusual, it should be added very little.
  7. Mulled wine with fruits is a classic recipe , citrus fruits are used lemon, orange, grapefruit. You can throw apples slices. Dried fruits fill the drink with an unusual taste: cranberries, raspberries, raisins combine well with wine.

How to drink mulled wine?

A classic recipe for mulled wine, cooked at home, involves the observance of certain rules of filing and use. After turning off the fire of the drink, you need to stand on the stove for another 5 minutes to soak up all the flavors of the spices.

  1. They drink mulled wine at home from large glasses with a handle, they did not eat any, it's fashionable to use your favorite cup for tea.
  2. Sometimes the cocktail is decorated with cinnamon sticks, in the glass there should be fruit slices.
  3. Mulled wine is drunk slowly, enjoying a tart taste and inhaling a spicy flavor.

Mulled wine from red wine

The classic recipe for mulled wine from red wine is not difficult to realize. As part of the ingredients, a basic set of spices is indicated, which can be supplemented by following their own taste preferences. Given that the spices are not used for grounding, they need to give time to allocate the fragrance, for this they are boiled in a small amount of water, only then proceed to create mulled wine.



  1. In the sauté pan they throw all the spices, pour water. Cook for a strong boiling 5-7 minutes.
  2. Pour in the wine, boil for 10 minutes, not allowing a boil.
  3. Spread the sliced ​​lemon, turn off the fire.
  4. After 5 minutes of cooling, add sugar, stir, pour into glasses, serve.

Mulled wine from white wine - recipe

Unconventional, but very tasty mulled wine from white wine is made from sour alcohol. Often this cocktail is supplemented with stronger alcohol, brandy, cognac, golden rum will suit, they add flavor to the saturation. From fruits prefer oranges and lemon, and spices much better not to add, enough cinnamon, cloves and cardamom.



  1. In the saucepan, spices are spiced, wine is poured in.
  2. Tumble until lightly bubbling, drop the cut fruit, pour brandy, do not allow boiling.
  3. Turn off the fire, throw sugar.
  4. Spread on glasses, immediately serve.

Mulled wine non-alcoholic - home prescription

Delicious mulled wine on cherry juice will be enjoyed by those who do not consume alcohol, such a cocktail can be offered to grown-up children. The method of making the beverage does not differ from the classical, the cooking process and the set of ingredients remains the same. Of fruits, apples, lemon, you can add raisins, and with sugar you need to be careful, so that the cocktail does not come out sugary.



  1. In the saucepan, boil the spices with water.
  2. Pour in the juice, cook until boiling.
  3. Throw a lemon and raisins, pour 5 min.
  4. If necessary, sweeten, serve after 5 minutes of infusion.

Mulled wine - a recipe with orange

Delicious and fragrant mulled wine, a recipe with orange and apple, will appeal to all lovers of authentic treats. For a greater flavor and unusual taste, you can throw a little muscat (it will reveal the taste of red wine) and a little bit of hot pepper, this combination will stir up the immunity and the organism as a whole, without harming him.



  1. Spice boil in water for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour in the wine, simmer on minimum heat, not allowing a strong bubbling.
  3. Throw fruit, sugar, pepper.
  4. Disconnect the fire, insist 10 minutes, remove the pepper.
  5. Spill in glasses, serve hot.

Mulled wine - a recipe with honey

Mulled wine with honey , in any variation: with red or white wine, or in a non-alcoholic version, will come out tastier and smoother. Apply liquid honey, but it can not be added to a hot drink. That the sweetener is well dissolved, make syrup from honey and warm water and in the already cooled (60-70 degrees) mulled wine is added. To implement this recipe use a ready-made mix of spices, it's important to make sure that the composition does not contain ground spices.



  1. From warm water and honey make syrup (do not cook!).
  2. Boil 5 minutes all spices, pour in the wine.
  3. Throw before boiling, throw fruit.
  4. After turning off the fire, cool the minutes 5-10, pour the honey syrup, mix.
  5. Serve by pouring on large glasses.

Mulled wine with ginger

Home made mulled wine is so good that it can be cooked in different ways, changing the classic recipe at your discretion. An interesting addition to the cocktail will be fresh ginger, add it with caution, so that the drink does not come out bitter. As a sweetener, it is better to use honey, and choose wine at your own discretion: white or red.



  1. Boil the spices in water, pour in the wine.
  2. To torment before boiling, to throw an orange and ginger.
  3. Cook, not allowing boiling for 5 minutes, turn off, cool for 10 minutes.
  4. From warm water and honey make a syrup, pour into mulled wine, mix.
  5. Serve hot, pouring on glass cups.

Mulled wine from sangria - recipe

Mulled wine from sangria is a completely unconventional version of a hot cocktail, but very popular with fans of such drinks. The prevalence of this recipe is due to the availability of the drink, and this fact does not affect the taste characteristics, because the spices overlap the taste of the wine drink, the recipe itself does not differ from the classical one.



  1. Boil spices in water, pour in sangria, simmer until boiling.
  2. Dilute honey in warm water.
  3. In a cocktail throw fruit, gingerbread, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Disconnect the fire, pour the honey syrup after 10 minutes, stir.

Mulled wine in a multivariate - recipe

To weld mulled wine in a multivarker it is not necessary to invent a special recipe, any method can easily be adapted to the capabilities of the device. The recipe can even be simplified as much as possible, by downloading all the components into the bowl and cooking in the prescribed mode for a certain time. Suitable regimes for cooking mulled wine "Steam", "Frying", time - no more than a quarter of an hour.



  1. In the bowl, add all the spices.
  2. Add the chopped fruit, sugar.
  3. Pour the wine.
  4. In the "Steam" mode, cook for 15 minutes, stirring, not to allow a strong boiling.
  5. Leave in the "Keep warm" mode for 15 minutes.