Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland

The proliferation of tissues and the enlargement of the thyroid gland in size is a very common disease that occurs even in absolutely healthy people. Up to a certain stage, it is considered an innocuous cosmetic defect, not a threat. But without timely adequate therapy, thyroid hyperplasia can quickly progress and develop into a serious disease with a risk of developing dangerous complications.

Causes and types of pathology

The main factor that provokes the described disease is the inadequate production of hormones. As a result, the compensatory mechanism is triggered, in which the thyroid tissue is intensively stimulated, which causes an increase in the organ. The reasons for such processes are:

There are the following types of hyperplasia:

Also, the disease is classified according to the stage of development, there are five.

Let us consider in more detail.

Diffuse thyroid gland hyperplasia

This type of disease is a uniform increase in the size of the body and tissue proliferation. No seals are observed. Often, diffuse hyperplasia is a sign:

Nodular hyperplasia of the thyroid gland

This type of pathology is characterized by the presence of single or multiple neoplasms, which have an excellent structure (more dense) than the tissue of the thyroid gland.

It is worth noting that the nodes sometimes reach very large sizes, most often they indicate the progression of nodular goiter.

Diffusive-nodular hyperplasia of the thyroid gland

The mixed form of the disease combines the features of both previous varieties. Against the background of a uniform increase in the total volume of the thyroid gland, single or multiple tumors of a nodular character are observed. The growth of the organ and neoplasms may differ.

This type of pathology is subject to the most thorough research and constant observation, as it often leads to the development of inoperable malignant tumors.

Moderate hyperplasia of thyroid gland 1 and 2 degrees, zero stage

The described ailment is considered a cosmetic defect and does not pose a hazard at 0-2 degrees of development. The earliest stage of hyperplasia is characterized by a minimal increase in the thyroid gland. The organ is not palpable and visually invisible.

The first stage is accompanied by the allocation of the isthmus of the gland during swallowing, at the same time it is possible to palpate. Externally, the increase is not detectable.

For hyperplasia of the second degree, visually noticeable body growth is characteristic, the thyroid gland is easily palpable on examination.

These stages have no additional subjective symptoms, if there is no hypo-, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, its damage in the anamnesis.

The main methods of treatment of the disease are:

Treatment of hyperplasia of thyroid gland 3-5 degrees

The stages of the disease under consideration are accompanied by a strong increase in the body (goiter), a change in the shape of the neck. The latter degree is characterized by difficulty in the respiratory process and swallowing. In addition, there are sharp jumps in weight, swelling, and nervous disorders.

If the organs and tissues surrounding the thyroid gland are strongly squeezed, a surgical operation is appointed, designed to excise the nodes, if any, and reduce the size of the gland. In the future, supportive hormone therapy is required.