How to cook compote - the best recipes from fresh, frozen or dried berries and fruits

For beginners, it will be interesting to learn how to brew compote correctly, and seasoned cooks can expand their experience and improve their skills by comprehending the subtleties of the original and unusual recipes. The resulting natural healthy drink will please with excellent saturated taste.

How to cook compote?

Cook the home-made compote from fresh, frozen and all kinds of dried fruits or berries, supplementing the base component with water and cooking the recipe-defined time.

  1. Water for the preparation of a drink must be taken filtered, spring or bottled. The liquid from the tap with an admixture of chlorine and other additives will only worsen the taste of compote.
  2. The amount of added sugar and the size of a batch of berries or fruits can vary depending on the desired sweetness and concentration of the ready-made drink.
  3. The lid of the pot in which the compote is boiled and cooled should be closed. Thanks to this, the drink will retain a maximum of vitamins.
  4. The finished compote is cooled, filtered and, when served, is supplemented, if desired, with ice cubes.

How to cook compote of frozen berries?

In winter, the recipes for preparing a drink made from frozen berries are especially relevant and demanded. The most delicious, rich and aromatic it is possible to compote of frozen cherries, currants, strawberries or raspberries. It is advisable to take and assorted of several varieties of berries and fruits that are available, so that the characteristics of the obtained drink will become richer. The ingredients are added to the container with boiling syrup, without defrosting.



  1. Purified water is brought to a boil.
  2. Add sugar, stir until all crystals are dissolved.
  3. They put berries, let the contents boil under the lid, boil for 3-5 minutes, remove from the plate.
  4. Leave a delicious compote of berries to insist before cooling, then filter and additionally cool before serving.

How to brew compote from dried fruits - recipe

The following recommendations for those who do not yet know how to brew compote from dried fruits. As a component for the preparation of a drink, you can take only dried apples or assorted with pears, all sorts of berries. Often the composition of the drying is supplemented with prunes, raisins, dried apricots. If desired, balance the taste of the drink with lemon juice or citric acid.



  1. Dried fruits are poured with boiling water, rinsed thoroughly, drained and pawned in a saucepan.
  2. Pour the components with clean water, give a boil.
  3. Add the sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and boil the drink for 20-25 minutes with a quiet languor.
  5. Leave a delicious compote to insist on the night, after which filter and serve to the table.

Compote of fresh apples

The most popular among fans of home-made drinks is apple compote, brewed from fresh fragrant fruits. Even without additional ingredients, the drink turns out to be pleasant to the taste, and if you add a stick of cinnamon, cloves, lemon or orange slices to the pan, the saturation of the compote increases several times.



  1. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Lay the peeled apples and sliced ​​apples.
  3. After repeated boiling, the contents are boiled for 5-10 minutes or until the apple cut is soft.
  4. Leave the beverage under the lid before cooling down, then filter, cool.

Compote from dried dogrose

Knowing how to properly brew compote from dried dogrose, it will be possible to include in your diet a drink that will have a beneficial effect on the entire body, fill it with the necessary vitamins and help cope with the common cold. As a sweetener for a healthy drink in this case, it is preferable to use natural floral honey.



  1. Berries of dogrose are crushed in a mortar with a pestle, after which they are transferred to a saucepan and poured with boiling water.
  2. Boil the contents for 5 minutes, cover tightly with a lid and wrap for 6 hours with a warm plaid for infusion.
  3. Cool the compote from the dog rose, filter it carefully, sweeten with honey.

Cranberry compote

The ideal ingredient for making a drink is cranberry. Compote of these berries can be extremely useful and has a rich taste, with pleasant sourness, which is leveled by the portion of added sugar or honey. The composition can be supplemented with frozen raspberries, other berries or slices of citrus.



  1. Rinsed cranberry berries are placed in a container of boiling water, if honey is used as the sweetener, or syrup, when using sugar.
  2. Cook the compote of cranberries for 5 minutes, after which they remove the vessel from the plate and allow the contents to stand and completely cool under the lid.

Compote of dried apricots

When there is no possibility to cook compote from fresh fruits, you can take as a base component any dried berries or dried fruits. Extremely tasty and useful drink from dried apricots , in which you can add for the richness of taste and color of prunes, and at will and raisins. It is important to use high-quality natural ingredients.



  1. Sugar is poured into boiling water, it is cooked with stirring until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Rinse dried apricots, prunes and raisins in hot water, put in a container with syrup.
  3. Brew compote of dried apricots and prunes 10 minutes with a quiet boil, then remove the container from the fire and insist the contents, covering the container with a warm blanket for 2-3 hours.
  4. Before use, the drink is filtered and cooled.

Quince compote - recipe

The following recipe will help you figure out how to brew compote from quince to get the most useful and tasty drink. The ideal addition in this case will be spicy additives in the form of cinnamon, badyan, cloves or others of your choice. Instead of lemon in a saucepan when cooking, you can add orange slices.



  1. Boil water with the addition of sugar, which is allowed to completely dissolve.
  2. Lay the chunks of quince, spices and cook the contents of the vessel for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Leave the compote of quince under the lid until it cools completely, then filter and cool before serving.

Compote of tangerines - recipe

A compote of tangerines quenches thirst, will fill the body with vitamins and will please with excellent fresh taste. In a course it is possible to start up not only qualitative, but also substandard soft or not too sweet fruit which there is no desire to use in a fresh kind. To prepare the drink, this raw material is ideal.



  1. Boil water with sugar until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Lay the peeled tangerines, give the contents of the pot a second time to boil.
  3. Remove the container from the fire, leave for 15 minutes under the lid.
  4. Rub mandarins through a sieve or punched with a blender, removing the bones, then mix with the broth and, if necessary, and if desired, filter.
  5. Once again, heat the drink to a boil, allow to cool and cool.

Compote from feijoa

Another recipe for compote will be presented later, but it will interest those who respectfully treat exotic fruits and dishes from them. The component for the preparation of the drink will be feijoa, which does not require long preparation. Before use, you only need to trim the edges of each fruit.



  1. Bring to boiling water with the addition of granulated sugar, waiting, stirring, dissolving the crystals.
  2. Lay the feijoa and cook the contents of the saucepan for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the container from the plate, allow the compote to stand under the lid and cool down, after which it is additionally cooled in the refrigerator.

Compote of jam

The following recipe is the ideal way to recycle last year's jam. Knowing how to make compote from a similar preparation, it will be possible to get a tasty drink for filing for dinner or simply to quench your thirst and at the same time attach an unclaimed supply of sweet delicacy, freeing up space in the pantry. A quick way to get compote is to simply dilute 3 spoons of jam with a glass of boiled water.



  1. Bring water to a boil, put the jam, stir.
  2. Give the drink to boil again, add if necessary citric acid.
  3. Cool the compote, filter and cool before serving in the refrigerator.

Persimmon compote - recipe

Further instructions will allow you to understand how to cook a delicious compote from an oriental tart persimmon. To get a harmonious taste of the drink, you need to take one medium-sized fruit to a glass of water, sweetening the liquid to taste. If desired, drink flavored with lemon juice or citric acid. Enrich the characteristics of compote will be, putting in the pan along with the base component of the sliced ​​orange.



  1. Persimmons rinse, cut into slices, put in boiling water, sweetened to taste with sugar.
  2. At will add a pinch of citric acid to the base of the drink.
  3. After repeated boiling of the contents of the vessel, cook it for 5 minutes, remove it from the plate.
  4. Leave the compote of persimmons under the lid to cool down, filter, cool.

Compote in multivark

The most saturated, aromatic and richly obtained compote, if you weld it in a multivark. To prepare the drink you can use any fresh, frozen berries, fruits or take a selection of dried components: apple or pear drying, dried apricots, prunes, dried cranberries, currants.



  1. Wash dried fruits and berries, put in a bowl, add sugar and water.
  2. Include the program "Quenching" and cook the compote of dried fruits in the multivark 1 hour.
  3. Leave the beverage in the device for infusion before cooling.