Hormonal spiral is a remedy that will save many problems

Hormonal spiral is a contraceptive. It is used to prevent pregnancy, but it can also have a curative effect. Let us consider in detail this type of intrauterine contraceptive, its types, the method of installation and the features of use.

Are all spirals hormonal?

In gynecology, among intrauterine contraceptives, there are several types of spirals. However, not all of them are hormonal. The spiral itself, because of its shape, can prevent the onset of pregnancy. Hormonal IUDs are not only a mechanical barrier for male germ cells, but they also release a hormonal component that is constantly on. Under the action of this substance, there are structural changes in the uterine endometrium, because of which conception does not occur.

What types of IUDs are there?

Over the years, the types of the Navy have improved. In modern gynecology, 3 generations of intrauterine devices are used:

  1. Inert (first generation). These spirals are made entirely of plastic, which explains their low cost. Their contraceptive effect is achieved by creating an obstacle to a fertilized egg - it can not be implanted. This type of spirals is not used anymore, because of the low effect, high degree of expulsion (spiral fallout), frequent inflammatory processes.
  2. Metal-containing spirals (second generation). Originally, an IUD was created with a copper content. This metal has an anti-anion effect - it prevents the normal process of implantation of the fetal egg. The basis of the spiral is a plastic frame, around which is wrapped a thin wire of metal. Later they started using silver and gold as metals. This reduced the risk of inflammation in the uterus, increased the effectiveness of the agent and the life span of such IUDs.
  3. Hormone-containing (third generation). Progestin-levonorgestrel is present in the composition of these. A distinctive feature of these IUDs is almost 100% contraceptive effect. In addition, these devices are often used for therapeutic purposes, with gynecological diseases provoked by a violation of the hormonal background.

Hormonal spiral - indications

Spiral intrauterine hormonal is installed at the request of the woman herself. However, it can be used by doctors, for certain diseases. Prior to the application, a survey is made, which is aimed at eliminating malignant neoplasms in the reproductive system. Among the diseases and disorders in which a hormonal spiral can be established, it is necessary to distinguish:

Hormonal spirals in endometriosis

Hormonal spiral for the treatment of endometriosis can be prescribed with a pronounced, extensive lesion of the inner layer of the uterus. Contained in the progesterone analogue, actively suppresses further development and proliferation of new lesions in the uterine cavity. This helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes against the background of endometriosis. When the hormonal spiral is used for endometriosis for a long time, doctors often fix positive tendencies to further recovery, as indicated by:

Hormonal spiral with menopause

Intrauterine spiral with hormonal injection can be actively used and in the period of climacteric processes. This time is accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones in the female body. The use of a spiral helps balance the concentration of estrogens and progesterone. Every day the IUD allocates 20 mg of levonorgestrel. This substance effectively affects the inner layer of the uterus, increases the rate of its epithelization. At the same time, the spiral does not disrupt the sexual glands, but complements the lack of a hormone synthesized by them.

IUD contraindications

Like any medication, the hormonal spiral has its contraindications (hormonal contraceptive spiral). Before its installation, consultation and examination of the gynecologist are mandatory. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor decides whether an intrauterine device can be installed, the contraindications to which are the following:

These violations are absolute contraindications. Thus gynecologists allocate also relative:

IUD - application

The hormonal contraceptive spiral helps not only to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but also to restore the reproductive system. Thanks to the secreted hormone, the work of the uterus and appendages is normalized. Every day the spiral secretes a substance, similar in structure to progesterone. Under the action of this compound:

Intrauterine spiral - how to put?

Before the introduction of an intrauterine device, the woman will have to undergo a screening. The following tests are mandatory:

The procedure itself is carried out in ambulatory. The manipulation algorithm looks like this:

  1. The patient is located in the gynecological chair.
  2. In the vagina a Simpsa mirror is inserted, which exposes the neck.
  3. The vagina and the cervical region form an antiseptic.
  4. With the help of bullet forceps, the doctor performs a cervical fixation and measures the length of the uterus.
  5. In the cervical canal, a conductor is introduced, which reaches the uterine cavity.
  6. Pressing the plastic piston, push the spiral so that it rests with the shoulders in the bottom of the uterus.
  7. The conductor is carefully removed, the part of the threads that protrude into the vagina is cut off, and helps to control the presence of the IUD in the uterus.

The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. After installation, the doctor in the outpatient card fixes the time and date, indicates the model of the spiral, informs the patient of the period of its action. After 10 days, a control visit is scheduled. For 14 days after the procedure, a woman is recommended:

Removal of the intrauterine device

After the installation of the hormonal spiral is carried out, a woman can forget about oral and mechanical contraceptives for a long time. The period of use of the IUD is on average 5 years. However, the removal of the spiral can be carried out earlier, when the woman decides to conceive a child. The procedure is performed regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle. Most often, manipulation is prescribed for the first days. After extraction, the system is inspected, excluding the slipping of the hormonal component into the uterine cavity.

Hormonal spiral - side effects

The uterus often reacts negatively to the introduction of an alien body, which is the IUD. After the intrauterine device is installed, side effects in some women appear in a few hours. However, complications occur more often, which are a consequence of the installation procedure itself:

Hormonal spirals - names

Talking about what hormonal spirals there are, it should be noted that all these IUDs contain a hormone in the composition. Common among such drugs on the pharmaceutical market are:

Hormonal spirals - the pros and cons

Often, women turn to the gynecologist with a question about what is better than the IUD or hormonal tablets used as a contraceptive. In this case, the doctor notes that there is no ideal means, so a woman should use what is appropriate for her. Among the advantages of spirals:

To minuses of the Navy doctors refer: