Is it possible to breast-feed a non-alcoholic beer?

Summer has come and everyone wants something cool. And what is there to hide, many women with young children thought about whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have nonalcoholic beer and what are the contraindications.

Period from 0 to 2 months

At this stage, non-alcoholic beer for nursing mothers is strictly forbidden, like any carbonated drinks. This is due to the fact that the digestive system of the newborn is still immature. In it while necessary co-ordination between different departments of a gastroenteric path is absent. Therefore, any attempt to drink sodas will lead to a sleepless night and a visit to the doctor.

Period from 2 to 6 months

In children of this age, colic , as a rule, pass, and they are not so worried about their parents. However, this is not a reason to start drinking this drink. In this period, a nursing woman begins to slowly quit a two-month postpartum diet. And her food is gradually added to her diet. However, they are unfamiliar to the crumb, who may accidentally start an allergic reaction to one of them. To exclude this, carefully select products that you will enter into your diet in the first place. Eat only one new product a day. And, consequently, the use of beer, too, will have to be postponed.

Period from 6 to 9 months

Whether it is possible to drink nonalcoholic beer to a nursing mother after the baby is six months old, doctors do not give a definite answer. Here it is worth taking into account the fact that this time of complementary feeding and the child can have a negative reaction to some of the products. Therefore, in order to avoid the psychological stress of the crumbs, you should not start drinking beer.

Period from 9 months and older

Doctors of the post-Soviet space say that you can drink nonalcoholic beer for nursing mother, but only high-quality. A good beer should contain only hops, water and malt, and it's very difficult to find it in stores now. The only exception is the production of imported production that does not contain maltose molasses, carbon dioxide and other unnecessary substances. In addition, any non-alcoholic beer contains a small proportion of alcohol - up to 0.5%, and it enters breast milk.

The reaction of the child to the use of this drink can be checked, as well as on any new product: we taste several sips of beer, and then we look at the reaction from the baby. If you notice that he had colic, he became restless, then postpone the experiment for at least 10 days.

So, you can drink nonalcoholic beer to nursing mother or not, the question is ambiguous. If you decide that you are drinking this drink, then make sure that your baby does not have allergies to it, and occasionally use only a high-quality product.