Breastfeeding: advice to nursing mom

In the modern world, no one doubts that for the newborn, the best food is breast milk. But sometimes there are difficulties with feeding. Some give up and transfer the baby to artificial food. Someone just has a lot of questions. In any case, some tips for breastfeeding mothers, which women will be able to initiate breastfeeding, will also help to cope with the problems that may arise at the very beginning of the parental path.

Recommendations for breastfeeding

Tip 1: Feed on demand

A woman should be attentive to her baby's signals and give a breast on demand. After all, active sucking stimulates the production of milk. Having satisfied his sucking reflex, the crumb does not only feel full, for him feeding is communication by the most native person, which gives him a sense of safety and care.

Tip 2: Remember about night feeding

One of the main tips for nursing mothers is that it is necessary to feed the baby at night without fail. It is at this time of the day is the most active production of prolactin . It is a hormone that is responsible for regulating lactation. The more intense the suckling of the baby's crumb at night, the more milk the mother will have.

Tip 3: Apply to the breast correctly

Sometimes the cause of poor lactation is that the baby grasps the chest is not as it should. If you can not figure out the situation yourself, you can seek advice from a specialist in breastfeeding. He will show how to put the baby to the breast correctly .

Tip 4: Do not decant after feeding

Often relatives from the older generation insist that the young mother after each feeding completely decant. But this time it will be appropriate to delicately explain that even the WHO recommendations on breastfeeding state that this is not necessary. Milk comes in the amount in which it is needed crumb. After the child has eaten a portion, gradually the same number will be reproduced again. If a woman decides, the body will receive a signal about the need to produce milk. And its excess will lead to lactostasis and mastitis.

Tip 5: Remember about a warm drink

Between the feedings you need to drink warm tea or water. This will increase the production of milk.

Tip 6: Do not shift the baby while feeding to another breast

Until the child fully empties the breast, it is not necessary to give him another. Since in the first place the baby sucks out the so-called "front" milk, and after a while gets to the more fat "back". Having changed the breast during feeding, the mother will not allow the crumb to eat more nutritious milk.

Tip 7: Do not administer complementary foods for up to 6 months

In the diet of the child before the performance of six months there should be no food, except milk. This is one of the most important tips for breastfeeding. There are exceptions, when the introduction of complementary foods begin earlier, but this decision must be made by the pediatrician.

Tip 8: Do not wash your breasts often

Do not wash your breasts before each feeding, especially with soap. This destroys the skin's protective barrier and can provoke cracks in the nipple. To maintain hygiene, it is enough to take a regular shower daily or 2 times a day.

Tip 9: Do not weigh the baby before and after each feeding

Some people worry that a child may not gain weight. They begin to conduct so-called control weights. Should not be doing that. This process does not provide objective information about the health and development of the baby, but exhausts and nerves the nursing, and stresses reduce lactation.

Tip 10: Positive attitude

A woman should understand that there may be difficulties with establishing lactation, but most of these problems can be overcome. Do not give in to nervous tension.

To establish breastfeeding, taking advantage of these tips, feeding the mother under the force, just have to believe in yourself and enjoy motherhood.