Can I feed an oatmeal cookie to my mother?

Cakes, cakes, cookies - a delicacy, from which it is difficult to refuse. But alas, for the sake of health and well-being of the native kid, nursing mothers have to go and such "victims" . Is there a cookie that goes into the category of so-called "healthy food" or what can a woman pamper herself with during lactation, let's find out.

Oatmeal cookies for nursing

When you want to replace biscuit biscuits with something more delicious, the nursing mother involuntarily raises the question of whether she can eat oatmeal cookies. Of course, by taste, it can and is inferior to baking, but the ratio of "benefit-harm" clearly wins.

In oatmeal cookies contains a large amount of fiber, it is not an allergen and does not cause colic in the baby, that is, it meets all the criteria by which newly mummies select products for their diet. In addition, such baking does not hurt the figure, since oatmeal is much better absorbed by the body and is not stored on the waist and hips in the form of extra centimeters.

Answering the question whether it is possible to feed oatmeal cookies, pediatricians and nutritionists also have nothing against, if already exhausted by diets mom, diversify their menu with this delicacy. However, it is advised to include in your diet oatmeal pastry not earlier than the baby will be three months old and, of course, gradually.

As for the choice, the oatmeal cookies for the nursing mother should be fresh and quality, that is, without harmful additives such as preservatives, trans fats and dyes.

It is worth noting that absolutely safe cookies found in the store are almost impossible. Therefore, wishing to pamper yourself with something delicious and do no harm to the crumb, an alternative option for nursing moms will be homemade oatmeal cookies, the recipe of which you can see below.

Oatmeal Cookie Recipe for Nursing Mother

In fact, there are many recipes for oatmeal cookies, but it must be remembered that not all ingredients are safe for baby, so we will limit ourselves to the simplest classical version, whose taste is familiar to us from childhood.



The first thing to do is to beat the egg and butter to a uniform consistency, then add sugar and continue the procedure. After that you need to pour salted water and pre-crushed oatmeal. Next, add flour and knead the dough.

The ready-to-weight mass must be rolled out, and the workpieces should be made of the desired shape. Bake cookies should be in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15 minutes.