New Year's menu for nursing mothers

After the birth of a baby, every woman who breastfeeds must comply with the diet. It is sad, but this rule extends even when everyone around the New Year is celebrating and having fun at the festive table. Therefore, planning a treat for this holiday, there must be a New Year's menu for nursing mothers, dishes from which, according to originality and taste, should not be inferior to the main table.

Menu for New Year for nursing mothers

To a woman caring for a crumb did not feel restrained, for her on the table should be at least three ready-to-eat meals: salad or snack, hot and dessert.

Just want to make a reservation that the New Year's menu for nursing mom should not contain fried, smoked, pickled and fatty dishes. And also it is necessary to refuse for a while from pickles, chocolate, coffee, purchased ice cream and cakes, yeast products, etc.

At this time, do not rely on others, and you need to listen to yourself. Eat your favorite food from what you can eat: choose your favorite low-fat meat or fish (except red ones) and bake the product in foil or cheese "cap". Supplement it with a side dish of vegetables or rice and you will have a real holiday.

The menu for the New Year for nursing women must contain sweets. Home-made pastries are always in high demand at the holidays. A cooked pie with fruit, berries or carrots on a no-fat basis is the guarantee of a good mood and a delicious tea party at the end of the holiday.

Recipes for New Year's menu for a nursing mother

Pate from poultry



Filet and peeled carrots boil until cooked. Remove from broth, cut into pieces and together with butter, salt and 3-4 tbsp. Spoon the broth in a blender. Using a spoon fill the tartlets and decorate with olives, pepper, etc.

Turkey in Parmesan



Wash the filet and dry it with a paper towel. Protein the egg whisk until foam along with the salt. Fillet cover with egg foam and roll in Parmesan chips, put on a baking tray and bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Garnish is served with baked or boiled potatoes.

Apple mousse



Apples peeled off, cut into slices and boiled in water until soft (about 15 minutes). Remove the fruit, grind it in a blender and put it back into the broth, adding sugar and citric acid. Boil, and stirring to add a mango. Boil 20 minutes, remove from heat, cool to room temperature. After this, put everything in a blender and beat until lush foam. Put the mousse into a croissant and put it in the cold for 40 minutes. Serve to the table in a refrigerated state.

When designing the New Year's menu for a nursing mother, be sure to take into account her wishes. It is very important that cooked meals are not only safe for health and are useful, but also desirable. After all, only in this case, Mom really can enjoy the taste of the holiday.