How to remove yellowness from hair after discoloration?

Discoloration is often accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant yellowness. And not always an unpleasant shade appears immediately after coloring. Therefore, it will not hurt to learn how to remove yellowing from the hair after discoloration, while retaining the luxurious blond color.

How after bleaching hair to remove yellowness?

The professional means will help to eliminate the defect:

  1. Tonic - correct the situation, if the locks do not acquire a pronounced straw color.
  2. Shampoos - to eliminate the shade, it is enough in 2 parts of the usual shampoo to add 1 part specially designed for getting rid of gray hair . When washing the head should keep the composition on strands at least 2 minutes.
  3. The paint from the yellowing of the hair after discoloration - in this case, re-staining will help. That's only necessary to buy paint, which lacks ammonia, and the indicator of clarification is minimal. Do not forget to increase the emulsion volume by 2 times.

How to remove yellow hair from your hair with home remedies after discoloration?

People's recipes have no less effect.

Kefir mask


Preparation and use

Kefir and yolk lightly beat and add lemon juice, as well as vodka. The mass is applied to dry strands and left for 5 hours. To achieve a better effect, it is recommended after washing your head to rinse the strands with nettle decoction.

Mask with clay


Preparation and use

Honey is heated and mixed with clay. If the mass is too dense, you can dilute it with warm water. Apply the mixture to the strands and leave for 30-60 minutes. Rinse with a shampoo suitable for hair type.

Mask of rhubarb


Preparation and use

Add the crushed roots of the plant to the wine. The vessel with the components is placed on the fire and the mixture is boiled until the volume is reduced by a factor of 2. The agent is cooled and rubbed into strands. Keep the mask for at least an hour.

The yellowness after discoloration will disappear if glycerin is used.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Glycerin and a warm broth of chamomile are mixed. The agent is applied to the strands and left for an hour. It is desirable to wrap the curls with polyethylene, as well as a warm towel. You can not do this wrap more often 2-3 times a month, otherwise the blonde will have a light blond shade.