Utrozestan when planning pregnancy

Utrozestan in planning pregnancy is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs. Of course, there are supporters and opponents who claim that Utrozhestan is even dangerous to health. But the practice suggests the opposite - it is the action of the drug that the majority of those who want to become pregnant relies on.

Sterility for conception

The drug in its essence is a substitute for progesterone - a hormone, with a lack of which the onset of pregnancy and its normal course is impossible. Unlike its natural counterpart, the synthetic hormone is perfectly absorbed into the blood through the stomach. In addition, the drug can reach its goal and through the mucous, so Utrozhestan is available in the form of tablets, and in the form of candles.

In nature, that is, in the female body, progesterone is produced by the ovaries, and at the onset of pregnancy - by the placenta . If the amount of the hormone is inadequate, then the probability of a miscarriage is high. Despite the fact that the dosage of Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy is indicated in the instructions, the medication should be prescribed by the doctor, being guided by the results of the tests.

In fact, the reason for assigning Utrozhestan before pregnancy is a lack of progeston, which can be expressed in violation of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of cysts or uterine hyperplasia. In other words, the drug is used for infertility and previous miscarriages associated with a violation of the level of progesterone.

When planning pregnancy and during it, it is preferable to use Utrozhestan vaginally, that is, in the form of candles. Thus, the drug is absorbed faster, enters the bloodstream and has less pronounced side effects.

Contraindications for taking Utrozhestan

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, Utrozestan is appointed in extreme cases. In no case should you use the drug yourself, because its use should be due to a thorough examination and test results. Utrozhestan refers to safe drugs, but it is worth remembering that its action has not been fully investigated.

Contraindicated Utrozhestan women with renal and hepatic insufficiency, as well as with varicose veins with concomitant thrombophlebitis. It should be accurate in the presence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, allergic reactions to individual components of the drug are possible.

Pregnancy after Utrozhestan

The first signs of pregnancy on Utrozhestan are no different from the usual manifestations, moreover - some women claim that when using the drug, the symptomatology is more pronounced. If the doctor has appointed Utrozestan when planning pregnancy, then probably in the first and second trimester the drug intake will have to continue. If you stop drug treatment, then it is possible to change the level of the hormone, which, as a rule, leads to miscarriage.

Most often, the average dose of the drug when planning and maintaining the pregnancy is from 200 to 400 mg per day. The abolition of Utrozhestan during pregnancy should occur gradually, reducing the dosage by 50 mg every three days.

Remember that Utrozestan has side effects and contraindications, therefore its appointment should be appointed and monitored by the attending physician. For the use of the drug, appropriate tests are needed that will determine the level of progesterone, and as a result, the dosage will be established. Self-medication in this case not only will not bring the expected result, but it is also dangerous for health.