How long does the egg live?

As is known, from the very birth of every girl in the sex glands, ovaries, there is a large number of immature oocytes - oocytes. They are all in an inactivated state until the process of puberty begins. After this, the so-called reproductive process is launched, which is characterized by the monthly maturation of one of the eggs and its release from the follicle into the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation. If, while in the abdominal cavity, the female reproductive cell is not fertilized by the male, which penetrates into the female body with unprotected intercourse, then its death and outflow occurs with menstruation.

Often, women planning pregnancy are interested in the question, which directly relates to how long the egg lives from when it leaves the abdominal cavity. Let's try to answer it, having considered the main features of the ovulatory process.

How long does a female germ cell live?

To begin with, it must be said that ovulation itself occurs in the body approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. on the 12-16th of his day. It is in this period that women who have a basal temperature chart can note an increase in her indices.

After the ovule leaves the follicle during the ovulatory process, she has 12-48 hours to meet with the male sex cell. That is how much the average duration of the egg.

It is worth noting that, unlike the ovulatory process, the fact how long the egg lives after ovulation is not exposed to external factors and always remains unchanged. In other words, the life span of a female sex cell can not be increased.

Given this fact, in order to plan a pregnancy, a woman should know exactly the approximate terms of ovulation in her body. Only in this case the probability of conception increases several times.

How correctly to plan a conception?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the time of release of the oocyte from the follicle. You can do this in two ways: by using special tests for ovulation or by keeping the basal temperature chart. When using the second method, a woman should conduct a daily measurement of basal temperature, record their values ​​in a table and mark them on a special schedule. In the place where there will be an increase in basal temperature and will be ovulation.

After 2 days are determined, in which the probability of the process of ovulation is great, a woman can make attempts to become pregnant. However, it must be said that the life span of spermatozoa is also of no small importance.

Studies have found that they can maintain their viability and mobility, up to 5-7 days, while in the genital tract of a woman. That's why the family planning experts advise to actively have sex 2-3 days before the date of expected ovulation. This will also increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Thus, we can say that for successful conception, it is important not only the fact how many days the egg lives after its release from the follicle, but also the life span of the spermatozoon. Only if these factors are taken into account, a woman can correctly plan a pregnancy. In cases when it is impossible to do this on your own, you need to go to a medical institution where the woman is fully examined, the time of ovulation in the body is established and if there are violations, the necessary treatment is prescribed.