Pregnancy after anembrion

Anembrion or frozen pregnancy occurs in 15% of all pregnancies, most often in the period of 6-13 weeks. The causes of anembryonia can be infectious lesions of the organs of the reproductive system, genetic abnormalities, a violation of the hormonal background. Before planning a repeat pregnancy after anembrion, it is necessary to identify its cause, in order to avoid the recurrence of troubles.

Does anembryony repeat?

Re-anembryonia is possible if the woman has not been examined after the first frozen pregnancy, and the cause remains undiagnosed. Remaining in the body of a woman, the infection can maintain a chronic inflammatory process in the uterus and tubes, thereby contributing to the disruption of the development of a new pregnancy. Cases of repeated anembrion can be repeated in women suffering from alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction, since the egg of such a woman may have genetic defects.

Treatment and examination after anembrion

The diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy is based on an ultrasound scan twice. On ultrasound with anembryony, fetal membranes are visualized, and the fetal egg itself is not detected. Frozen pregnancy at first can be asymptomatic, then the drawing pain at the bottom of the abdomen and spotting spotting from the genital tract join. In all cases of anembrion, treatment-diagnostic curettage is indicated. The next pregnancy is recommended not earlier than in half a year. Before planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo a screening and, if necessary, treatment. Treatment after anembrion is to take antibiotics for the prevention of endometritis, antifungal drugs, treatment of sexual infections.

Prevention anembryony is a regular visit to a gynecologist, the implementation of his recommendations and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, then pregnancy will not bring unpleasant surprises.