Anti-aging facial masks

Modern women go to any tricks to stay attractive, no matter what. And the most accessible and widespread method of maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin are rejuvenating face masks. Some use shop mask for the face, others believe that effective anti-aging masks can be found only in beauty salons. But most women still prefer home-grown anti-aging face masks, because they are quite effective, and also do not require large financial costs.

Recipes for rejuvenating face masks

Here is the recipe for a universal anti-aging facial mask: 1 mix well the mashed banana with a tablespoon of milk, apply for 20 minutes, rinse with a cotton disc moistened in a little warm milk. This is an option for dry skin, and if you add a little lemon juice to the mixture, then the mask can be used for a fat type of skin.

Grape rejuvenating face mask is also universal and it can be used for any skin type: we moisten the napkin with grape juice and apply for 20 minutes, after rinsing rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. The result is velvety and supple skin. The mask helps prevent flabbiness and the appearance of wrinkles. Some anti-aging face masks give even a lifting effect. For example, if you mix one spoonful of cream and honey, 2 tablespoons. bio-yogurt with 2 drops of lavender oil, apply the mixture for 15 minutes, and then wash away with warm water, as a result, you will notice that the wrinkles in you have diminished.

Folk rejuvenating face masks

Especially effective are home masks made from fruits and berries or with the addition of fruit and berry ingredients. The only condition is that all ingredients must be fresh, not frozen. Mix in the blender the same number of slices of orange, watermelon, peach, add the mashed strawberries. If the skin is oily, then add a few drops of lemon. Fruit-berry mask is washed off with a warm, and then rinse the skin cold.

On our table potatoes take one of the places of honor, but our grandmothers used potatoes not only for food, made of rejuvenating face masks. The simplest, but effective mask of potatoes is a mashed potatoes mixed with milk or juice. Use carrot, cucumber or tomato juice, but remember that it must be freshly squeezed. You can make a mask of raw grated potatoes, it will perfectly smooth even deep wrinkles.

All folk rejuvenating face masks consist of affordable and inexpensive ingredients, the only exception, perhaps, honey. But in the mask, it is added in small quantities, so the cost of a mask with honey will also be small. Mix one spoonful of honey and two tablespoons of flour, add the beaten protein, apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. It is intended for dry skin. If you replace the protein with yolk and add 1 teaspoon of ground oats, you will get a mask for oily skin. Honey masks not only rejuvenate the skin, but also nourish, cleanse, regulate the water balance.

Masks based on milk are also designed for fading skin. Mix the flour and warm milk so that a thick slurry turns out, apply the mask evenly, and after drying, wash with warm water. This mask is suitable for dry skin type, but adding 10 drops of lemon and whipped protein, you get a mask for oily skin.

From medicinal herbs, too, you can prepare effective anti-aging facial masks. You can use yarrows, linden flowers, plantain, strawberry and black currant leaves. Mix the crushed herbs in the same proportions, four tablespoons of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water so that a thick mass is obtained. Let's cool a little, apply in a warm form, rinse after 20 minutes with cold water.

Prescriptions of masks for aging skin set, using simple and affordable means, you can and in 50 years look young!