Caloric content of buckwheat porridge

In order to know the calorie content of buckwheat porridge, it is not enough to study the information on the label. Many people mistakenly believe that when they put 100 grams of cereals, they get 100 grams of ready-made meals. In fact, this is not the case - buckwheat absorbs moisture, and increases in volume, because of what the finished dish has a lower calorie content . In addition, cooked in different ways, it will have different calories. Consider the calorie content of boiled buckwheat porridge and dishes from it.

Caloric content of boiled buckwheat porridge

It's no secret that buckwheat porridge boils three times - that's why we add 3-3.5 glasses of water to 1 cup of cereals. Approximately by the same principle, the caloric content of the product also changes.

The usual calorie content of buckwheat is 313 units (of which 12.6 g of useful vegetable protein, 3.3 g of fat and 62.1 g of complex carbohydrates, which give a lasting sense of satiety).

If you boil buckwheat porridge in water with a little salt in the proportion of 1: 4, that is, for each glass of buckwheat take not 3, but 4 glasses of water, you get a viscous, sparse porridge with a minimum energy value - only 90 kcal.

If you cook porridge on water mixed with milk, or add oil to it, the calorie content of the product can increase to 130 kcal per every 100 g.

Caloric content of buckwheat porridge with additives

Knowing how many units (kcal) in buckwheat porridge with its different cooking, you can easily decide on the choice of dishes. It is best to eat buckwheat for breakfast and lunch - it has a lot of complex carbohydrates, and it gives a long saturation, which allows not to remember either snacks or harmful products, which are usually so drawn in the middle of the day, when the stock of vigor is running out.

So, consider the nutritional value of different dishes:

It should be noted that any dish with buckwheat is suitable for the ration of an athlete, and for the diet of a slimming person, and for those who simply want to eat healthy and healthy foods. Buckwheat is a source of B vitamins, protein, complex carbohydrates, essential amino acids (those that the body can not synthesize itself).