The child was bitten by a wasp - what to do?

Summer has long walks with children. Going to the street, moms try to tie a light snack with each other so that the child can refresh himself. Biscuits, a variety of fruits, drinks - it's so delicious, but sweets can attract not only the baby. Often bees and wasps fly into a bag of apricots, cherries or apples. Not noticing a small insect, a kid can accidentally grab her by hand. The Wasp will respond with a lightning - painful bite.

Fortunately, the bite of a wasp in a child in most cases does not cause serious consequences. A healthy baby responds as follows:

In rare cases, after the child was bitten by wasps, an allergic reaction may appear.

Reaction of the body

When a child was stung by a wasp, poison appears in the wound, which does not pose a danger to the body. However, some children experience an allergic reaction to this poison. The most dangerous cases are when the wasp has bitten the child in the nose, lip, eye or mouth. The fact is that due to the proximity of blood vessels, the wasp venom immediately enters the bloodstream, provoking an aggravation of allergy. What if a child prone to allergies is bitten by a wasp? Do not expect dizziness, vomiting, swelling of the larynx, or fever. Urgently bring the crumb to the hospital!

First aid

The first thing to do if a child was stung by a wasp is to minimize the amount of poison that enters the body. To do this, remove the sting from the place of bite, and disinfect the wound itself. It can not be squeezed so that the poison does not spread faster. Disinfection is necessary because the wasps are regular patrons of landfills.

Now it is necessary to neutralize the poison itself. This will help aspirin or lemon juice, containing acid. Gently rub the place of bite with lemon or rub aspirin, powdered. A similar effect has a normal soap, and alcoholic lotion (wadded disk, moistened with alcohol) will help dull the pain.

If all this is not at hand, look around. Plants such as plantain, parsley, cucumber, onion or rhubarb will cope with the task no worse. In extreme cases, apply a moist compress.

Often, burning and swelling after a baby or an older child has been bitten by a wasp passes after several hours. If the symptoms do not disappear after two days, be sure to exclude infection or allergies by contacting a doctor!

Allergic reaction

The kid was among those for whom the bites of wasps do not pass without a trace? Then to any walk Mom should prepare more carefully. With itself it is necessary to have antihistamines (loratadine, klaritin , zodak , erius, etc.). In some cases, doctors recommend children with allergies intramuscular injection. The fact is that the injection acts faster than tablets and drops, and with an acute reaction, every second counts.

Protection against wasps

If you are going for a walk in the summer, try not to put on too bright things for your child. They attract not only the views of others, but also the attention of the wasps. Sweet spirits act on insects in the same way.

If on a walk a baby gets dirty with something sweet, immediately bring it in order with the help of wet napkins. In case you happen to be near insects, do not make sharp movements and do not try to escape. Take the child by the hand or lower the hood of the stroller, and try to quietly move away from the dangerous wasps.