Than to deduce lice at the child?

Quite often, children begin to complain of itching in the scalp, and with careful examination it turns out that lice have settled in their hair. When detecting parasites, one should immediately take measures, because lice reproduce very quickly, and the child will suffer more and more from unbearable itching and other allergic manifestations. In addition, in exceptional cases, these insects can cause human infection with especially dangerous diseases - typhus and recurrent typhus.

All parents need to know how to quickly remove lice from a child in order to rid them of these terrible "neighbors" and prevent the possible contamination of other family members.

Medicines for pediculosis

Shampoos are the simplest and most convenient way to get rid of the baby from parasites. They have a pleasant smell, are applied elementary on the head and do not irritate the delicate skin of the child. Shampoos from lice are made on the basis of Insecticide Permethrin, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects, but is relatively harmless to the human body.

The most popular products in this category are shampoos Nok, Veda and Biosim. They are aged on the head for about 30-40 minutes, easily washed off, but are prohibited for use in children under 2 years old and pregnant women.

Paranit, Nittifor, Medifox also have a similar effect. They are available in the form of a cream or lotion, which is rubbed into the roots of hair and skin and remains on the head for 20-40 minutes, and then washed off.

After treating the hair and skin with anti-parasitic drugs, it is necessary to carefully comb the hair from the roots to the tips with a special hard comb, and repeat the procedure in a week.

Folk remedies for lice

In folk medicine, there are also some drugs that can be used to exclude lice and nits no less effectively than by special means. Here it is possible to note chaerical water, cranberry juice, boric ointment, and also tincture of such herbs as tansy or wormwood. However, be careful with the treatment of folk remedies, so as not to aggravate the situation, and if there is no result, contact your doctor.