Teeth are hurt - how to help the child?

Unfortunately, most babies during dentition, or teething, experience incredibly uncomfortable and painful sensations. And the first teeth can start to disturb the crumb long before its appearance.

For many parents, the period when the child is expected to erupt next teeth, becomes a nightmare. In fact the kid not only very restlessly behaves during the day, but also does not allow to sleep at night, constantly waking up with tears and tears.

In this article, we will talk about how you can help your child if his teeth are chopped, and how to alleviate his terrible condition.

Symptoms of teething

Usually teething in children is accompanied by constant compassionate crying, but there are other more characteristic symptoms that allow one to suspect that soon another tooth will break through the gum, for example:

In addition, many parents note that the period of dentistry in their babies is preceded by diarrhea, or upset stomach, and self-eruption is accompanied by a rise in body temperature. Meanwhile, some pediatricians do not connect the appearance of these symptoms with teething, but, on the contrary, advise to pay attention to the general condition of the child, to exclude the presence of a viral or intestinal infection.

What can I do if I have a toothache?

Concerned parents, of course, want to know what they can do for their baby when his teeth are chapped. Some moms and dads try not to resort once again to medicines, so as not to cause the crumb more damage. In this case, you can use the following tips:

  1. A child over 6 months old who is already able to chew small pieces can be helped by frozen slices of fruit or vegetables, for example, cucumber, carrots or banana. If you cut them with long straws, it can reach the most remote corners of the mouth, and alleviate the condition of the baby, even if the molars are pricked. However, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not choke on the bitten piece.
  2. Also in advance in the freezer you can put a spoon, a toothbrush or a small clean cloth. Such a thing is sure to interest the baby, and he will be a long time and with rapture to suck.
  3. Finally, there are a lot of different teethers that can be purchased at any children's store or pharmacy. Some models use water, or gel, others are made of silicone, they have a variety of shapes and colors. However, unfortunately, not all children are interested in teethers, and for some parents their purchase is just a waste of money.

Unfortunately, quite often the kid is so worried about his condition that he is not interested in any of these subjects, and because of uncomfortable sensations neither he nor his parents can sleep peacefully. In this case, mothers often turn to a doctor or a pharmacist with the question: "Why anesthetize the gums, if the child has teeth?". A doctor, or a pharmacist at a pharmacy, can offer a wide variety of different means for reducing pain in the gum area. The most popular of them are the dental gels Kalgel and Holisal, as well as the homeopathic remedy Dantinorm Baby. In the most severe cases, the use of children's panadol in an amount equal to half the recommended dose for a child at this age.