Enuresis in girls

Many mothers are very afraid of the diagnosis - children's enuresis , and sometimes, if suddenly with their children this trouble happens, immediately put it to them and begin to treat them themselves. This should not be done in any case. Before treating the enuresis in boys and girls, you first need to understand what it is that has symptoms and find its causes.

Although it is believed that this problem occurs in children of both sexes, but in this article we will consider the types, symptoms, causes and presumed treatment of enuresis in girls.

Enuresis and its types

The diagnosis of "enuresis" is made with involuntary urination during the day or during a night's sleep in children who are more than five years old. In this case it is necessary to consider:

Depending on the time of day, when this occurs, enuresis happens:

The causes of any kind of enuresis are:

Daytime enuresis in girls and their treatment

This kind of enuresis in girls is more common than in boys, and is diagnosed when even during the day the baby can not control the process of urination. The reason for daytime enuresis in girls, because of the characteristics of their anatomical structure, most often are inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and, of course, stressful situations, for example, overly strict upbringing or fright . Drug treatment should be started only after consultation of doctors (therapist, urologist and gynecologist) and changes in the psychological situation in the family (stop abusing and punishing, trying to support the child).

Nocturnal enuresis in girls and its treatment

Under night enuresis means incontinence during sleep at night, this kind is more likely to affect boys than girls. It interferes with the process of adaptation of a girl in society, and also develops an inferiority complex. Provoke a nocturnal enuresis may all the reasons listed above. Doctors believe that nocturnal enuresis becomes a problem after the child turns 5 years old, and until this time the process of control of urination is only forming and no treatment is required, only it is recommended to observe a calm before going to sleep, as children are easily excited during the games.

Just as in the treatment of daytime enuresis, several specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, gynecologist, nephrologist) also participate in the treatment of night time, and an indispensable condition for successful treatment is the creation of a calm family environment, the elimination of all stressful situations.

Very rarely such a disease occurs in adolescent girls, most often it is secondary enuresis, which is more often develops after a psychological trauma or with all sorts of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Of course, the treatment is more complex than at the younger age, but one of its main points will be the organization of work with a qualified psychologist who does not exacerbate the problem.

It is very important that parents who want to help their daughter, regardless of the type of enuresis and its causes, should know that during this period they need even more attention, understanding, affection and love for their child. Treat the enuresis more calmly, because with timely and proper treatment from him can get rid of.