Green radish - good and bad

Unfortunately, radish is not a popular product, and it is a serious mistake, since it has not only an original taste that can decorate many dishes, but also a huge benefit for the body. Green root to taste like daikon or radish.

Benefit and harm of green radish

The root vegetable contains many vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other substances that are important for the normal functioning of the body. To feel all the useful properties, you need to use root vegetables in fresh form.

What is useful for a green radish:

  1. Just say about the low calorie content of the product, since 100 grams account for only 32 kcal. It can be safely included in the diet for weight loss. Root crop helps quickly get rid of hunger.
  2. The radish contains many dietary fiber, which, like a panicle, cleans the intestines of slags and other decay products. The product also helps to normalize the level of cholesterol.
  3. The use of green radish for the body is due to the presence of a large number of B vitamins and nicotinic acid. These substances are useful for normal activity of the nervous system.
  4. In large quantities in the green radish is vitamin A , which is important for vision and skin condition.
  5. When pregnant, a green radish should be eaten in small quantities, as it increases the tone of the uterus. Root is useful for women in the situation in that it helps to cope with constipation and kills harmful microbes, reducing the risk of dysbiosis.

Despite the huge benefits of green radish, root crops can also harm the body, for example, in the presence of individual intolerance. It is forbidden to eat a vegetable with stomach ulcer and gastritis. It is recommended to refuse dishes from radish to people with serious diseases of kidneys, heart and pancreas.