Which products contain a lot of iron?

Iron is an important microelement in the human body, it is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin in the blood and is responsible for the saturation of the body with oxygen. Many are wondering which foods contain a lot of iron to include them in the diet.

Sources of iron

It is believed that foods containing a lot of iron are different kinds of meat. A common opinion: you need to eat meat so that the hemoglobin rises. Yes, the meat contains iron and in large quantities. But an interesting fact is that it is contained in large numbers exclusively in the meat of herbivores. And these animals receive all the essential microelements and vitamins from plant foods. Consequently, products containing the greatest amount of iron are of plant origin.

  1. The record holder for iron content is beans.
  2. In the second place are hazelnuts.
  3. Well, the third place is occupied by oat flakes.

In what other products is a lot of iron?

A large amount of iron contains: white mushrooms, wheat groats, pork liver, sunflower halva, spinach, cauliflower, sea cabbage, seafood, persimmon, prunes , pomegranate.

It is important not only to receive enough iron with food, but also to assimilate it. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron by 2 times.

Iron deficiency can lead to serious problems. Reduction of hemoglobin leads to loss of strength, bad mood, dizziness and lethargy. At extremely low hemoglobin, a person needs a blood transfusion. In order for everything to be excellent use of the above foods for food, as often as possible and the symptoms of lack of iron you will not be familiar with.