Do they grow fat from tomatoes?

Tomatoes contain a lot of medicinal substances, microelements, vitamins, amino acids . Daily use of this tasty and healthy vegetable helps the body strengthen immunity and cope with many diseases.

Do they grow fat from tomatoes?

So, let's try to figure out if every day to include in your diet tomatoes, whether they get fat or even lose weight. To find out, first consider the composition:

Thanks to all these substances, accumulated slags are removed from the body, the correct metabolism is restored, the vessels are cleaned, the process of digestion is established and the general condition of the person improves.

And the assumption that the tomatoes are getting fat, is incorrect, because:

  1. These vegetables have minimal calorie content. On 100 g of fruit there are only 20-25 kcal depending on the variety, and fat is practically not contained.
  2. On 94% the tomato consists of water, and from it it is impossible to recover, t. it does not contain calories.
  3. The use of tomatoes significantly improves intestinal motility.
  4. The composition of the vegetable includes a pigment called "lycopene", which gives the tomatoes a red color.

Lycopene contributes to weight loss due to its properties:

All this invariably leads to weight loss, and therefore the opinion that it is possible to refute tomatoes from tomatoes. Today, there are a lot of tomato-based diets that help fight overweight and fill the body with vital substances.

Why do they get fat from tomatoes?

Some lovers of this vegetable still manage to gain weight by eating a dietary fetus. But the extra pounds do not come from the tomatoes themselves, but from the fact that:

  1. This vegetable is consumed with a decent amount of bread.
  2. Served with fatty sour cream or mayonnaise.
  3. Before consumption, tomatoes are fried in oil, thus there are carcinogens that can strongly affect the weight of a person.
  4. Eat tomatoes, strongly flavored with salt and spices.