What should a child know in 3 years?

All babies develop differently, because parents do not need to constantly compare their child with other children. However, there are some rules that will help caring moms and dads understand what a child needs 3-4 years to know.

Mental and intellectual development

At this age, the crumb feels like a person, because so often it can be naughty. Thus the baby shows his independence. Children actively get acquainted with the surrounding world, their speech develops, and vocabulary replenishes. Guys usually ask a lot of questions, are interested in what is happening around.

In the speech of babies there are such changes:

But at this age one should not expect a crumb of excellent pronunciation. Guys still can not pronounce sibilant sounds, as well as "r".

Children 3-4 years like to communicate with peers, to play role-playing games. It is believed that a child in 3 years must know the names of animals, vegetables and fruits, forms, 6 flowers, some trees. He is already well acquainted with the parts of the day, at times of the year, calls the phenomena of nature. Also he should speak, as the name of close people, to name the surname and a name.

Children at this age begin to realize what can be done, and what actions are unacceptable. They can voice their immediate plans, for example, which toy they are going to play. Kids think creatively, they usually like to draw.

Domestic skills and physical development

The children become more independent, many actions are performed by themselves. Knowledge and skills of children 3-4 years can be assessed in everyday life. At this age, babies have such valuable skills:

During this period, the child should be more often involved in household chores. He can help in cleaning, laying on a table, putting things together. Physical development is also important. Boys and girls are usually mobile, noisy, active. They are able:

This time is suitable for starting to drive crumbs into the sports section.

Some mothers test the child's knowledge in 3-4 years. Conduct it in a playful form, in a relaxed atmosphere. You can use about such tasks:

Each mother can come up with similar tasks, and there is also the opportunity to find suitable on the Internet.

It is believed that all of the above should know the child in 3-4 years, but even healthy kids do not always fit into these norms. In time, the baby will catch up with its peers. If the parents have any questions or concerns, it is correct to seek advice from a doctor.