Muraya from seeds at home

Muraya, and more correctly, "Murray" is an evergreen exotic plant belonging to the family of citrus . Has an openwork spreading crown, abundant aromatic flowering and even fructifies, and berries can be eaten. Propagation by cuttings, and even murai at home can be obtained from seeds.

How to grow Murai from seeds?

This process is laborious and complex, but nothing is impossible. Freed seeds from the fruit pulp should be washed and placed overnight in a lean solution of Bordeaux liquid. You can use any other fungicide, and in the morning rinse under running water and place in an improvised greenhouse for moistened foam. Those who are interested in whether the muraia will rise from the old seeds, we can say that their viability is determined by color: so, green "gnaws" well, but brown ones do not fit for these purposes. The greenhouse needs to be heated to a temperature of 32-35 ° C. After 3-4 or even 7 days, roots appear.

Those who are interested in how to propagate the muraia with seeds should be dropped into small plastic cups, in the bottom of which drainage holes are made. Soil is used the same as for citrus fruits, which should be well moistened. A glass is inserted in exactly the same, but already without slits and covered like a bell with one more. Now they need to be installed under the backlight. Under such conditions, the long-awaited shoots will appear from the seeds, but at night the cups should be shifted, and in the morning or in the evening remove the shelter.

When watering seeds without shelter, the soil should be loosened to prevent water stagnation. For this you can use a small stick or nail file. It is very important to provide and general lighting of the room with numerous lighting devices, which is necessary for normal plant growth. After 7-14 days, the germ begins to break through the outer shell and can be helped by first moistening it with water from a spray gun, and after removing the outer shell of the seed. After the muraia ascends from the seeds, the hood of the greenhouse is removed, and the seedlings are placed under the lamp - you can use the usual fluorescent.

In a month the seedlings will become young viable plants, the crown of which can be formed at their own discretion. In young seedlings, buds are plucked, twice, which will allow the plant to gain strength and grow.