Strawberry processing in spring

Timely processing of strawberries in the spring allows to solve the problem in a complex way with attacks of aphids and fungal diseases. For these purposes, biopreparations based on beneficial microorganisms and garden chemistry (microscopic doses of toxins) are used. This article will help to understand how and what is best to process garden strawberries in the spring.

Before processing

Before you begin to give the reader advice on the topic of spring processing of strawberries from diseases, you should tell how to prepare the plants and soil themselves. If the strawberry bushes - vtorogody, then be sure to remove the dead leaves from the bush and loosen the soil by 5-10 centimeters around the plant. After that, you should water the strawberries, and the next day, if the weather permits, you can start processing. Regardless of what type of drugs you choose, the question remains, how to apply it to plants. The simplest method is to dump from a container with a conventional broom. Pros - "cheap and angry", cons - a significant overexpenditure of drugs. The next option is a garden sprayer. These assemblies are numerous, ranging from manual modifications in capacity to a glass, ending with inexpensive plastic plants, tanks that can hold up to 20 liters.

Whichever type of garden sprayers you prefer, you will still have to purchase personal protective equipment, which is provided for TB work with the selected category of garden chemistry.

Chemistry or bio?

On the topic, than to handle strawberries in early spring, among gardeners there is a lot of controversy. Some achieve high results, using effective microorganisms (preparation "Baikal-EM-1" and foreign analogs). Others do not recognize anything, except for frequent treatments with drugs based on beneficial bacteria or fungi ("Guapsis" "Biohumus", etc.). But the overwhelming majority of gardeners, including those who already have a solid experience in growing strawberries, prefer garden chemistry (fungicides and insecticides).

The difference in principle of the action of all groups of drugs is essential. Biopreparations on a bacterial or fungal basis work on the principle of displacing all other species dominant. But the number of "population" on plants should be constantly maintained, and for this, frequent treatments are needed. If the proper conditions were met when working with this group of drugs, horticulturists could achieve excellent results. However, there were also cases when these treatments proved to be insufficiently effective.

Regarding the application of quality certified garden chemistry, the result is known here, and it is almost 100%. An exception can only become natural force majeure, like drought or flood. This type of treatment is so effective because the constituents of these drugs make plants for microorganisms inedible and unsuitable for life.

Recommended drugs

To the recommended preparations for treatment of strawberries in the spring from pests include "Aktellik", "Topaz". From biopreparations not bad himself showed "Fitoverm", especially when fighting with weevil and thrips. Also, you can use preparations to treat the soil to destroy the larvae in it and beat off all other insects desire to approach strawberries. From slugs , which also cause a lot of difficulties, the granulated drug "Thunder" very well helps, it should be scattered around the plants.

It is also very important to treat strawberries in the spring and from diseases. Of the garden chemistry, "Fitosporin" or "Tivit Jet" is perfect, and from the biopreparations one can take "Gupsin".

If you work with biological mixtures, then you will have to process at least once a week, if you use the garden chemistry, the number of treatments is reduced to only two per season.